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The information I am sharing here was written by a colleague, BJ Gorman. The title of her book is “The Ch’i of Body and Place, Linking the Chakras with the Bagua Map”.

Chakra ChartIn her book BJ states that each Gua, or area and section of the Feng Shui energetic map, correlates to a Chakra center. The Chakra system is based on Hinduism teachings. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “circle”.  According to the Chakra system, energy in our body flows as a wheel in motion. When healthy, a chakra is bright and open like a lotus flower, when blocked it is dull and slow moving.

The energy flowing in our body is reflected in the places we spend the most time. Our environment mirrors who we are. BJ states that by changing the energy of the spaces we most occupy, we can change ourselves and our lives.

She continues with a comparison between the chakras and
the Feng Shui energetic equivalent.

The Root Chakra is located in the base of the spine in the tailbone area.  The Feng Shui equivalent is the Family and Health Area.  Strong physical health and family roots empower us to withstand the shocks and storms of life. How this sector of your home looks indicates how strong you feel, how well you are supported and understood. This area also reflects family history, and how harmonious or challenging it may be.

The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about 2” below the navel. The Feng Shui equivalent is the Wealth and Prosperity Area. This is where we feel fear as well as power. This is also where we feel safety or the lack off. Money or the ability to make it is also part of this area, because money empowers us. On the other hand, how grateful we are about what we have also makes us feel powerful.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located in the upper abdomen.  The Feng Shui equivalent is the Fame and Reputation Area. This area is the place of our sense of worth, the center of our personal power.  It is how others see and perceive us. It requires discipline and endurance to have a good reputation and integrity. Our gut feeling comes from this center and from our own truths.  We activate this area with animal prints, candles and pointed shapes.

The Heart Center Chakra is located within the breastbone.  The Feng Shui equivalent is the Love and Relationship Area. Because of its central location, this chakra radiates up and down. The lower 3 chakras are about the physical power and survival centers, the upper chakras are concerned with the spiritual side.  The heart is like the nurturing mother that nourishes the body and the soul thru love. It is where we open our hearts to being vulnerable to receiving and giving love.  It is the place where we find balance and harmony within our bodies as well as our relationship to others.  To activate this area, place items in multiples of 2 and symbols of love and friendship.

The Throat Chakra is located between the head and the collar bone.  The Feng Shui equivalent is the Children and Creativity Area.  This chakra is about speaking our truth and about finding our inner voice. The Children and Creativity area is where we do what we do for the sheer joy of expression.  It is the place where we find and express creativity thru the inner child, without the ego. We activate this area with metallic items and round items. The circle is a symbol of creativity and oneness.

The Third Eye Chakra is located on the forehead slightly above and between the eyes. This chakra is about our inner vision, our will, thought and inspiration. It is associated with the brain, the mind and intelligence. The Feng Shui equivalent is Helpful People and Travel Area.  It is the energy of Synchronicity, of Heaven on Earth. It is an area  of our home where we can honor and place our guides and deities.

The Crown Chakra is located on top of our head.  It is the contact point of spiritual life force. The  Feng Shui equivalent is the Career Area. This is where we connect the flow of spirit, where we dig deep into ourselves to understand the mysteries of our path. It is where we trust in our inner selves and have faith to flow with the current. The flow of water is an excellent activator for this area.

The Higher Consciousness, the spiritual space located outside our bodies above the head.  It is the place of a higher level of consciousness reaching towards pure spirit. The Feng Shui equivalent is the Knowledge and Self Cultivation Area. This is the quiet place where we are still and meditate, where we cultivate our own chi to grow and know who we are. This is where we learn our lessons in life as we work our way up and down thru the chakras. This is where we understand that the power of thought and beliefs is what circulates the energy throughout our physical body.

Our Spine correlates to the Center of the Bagua. The spine circulates and integrates the energy of all the chakras, the place of the Kundalini energy. The Center area of the Bagua is where you see the Yin and Yang Symbol. It is where there is constant movement and balance between the receptive and active, between the female and male energies.  It is the duality of spirit and earth.  The center is the area where we ground ourselves. It is earth.

There are some details that were omitted for the purpose of this blog; such as colors of the Chakras as well as the Bagua energy centers and the names of 8 trigrams of the Bagua.  BJ also explains the significance of each area or chakra to religion and cultural belief systems, found in Christianity,  Judaism and the Qabalah.  You may find those details in BJ’s book or visiting her website. www.spaceharmony.com

The author has given Crystal Life Technology Inc. permission to use this content.


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