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A piece of land interacts with the energies that occur on it. These energies shape it. The energies can come from the local deva, from the humans living on it in recent times, from ancient occurrences lost to human memory, from its position on the earth grid. The land in turn affects those who live on it. I find it interesting to observe these energies.

tuning fork treeHere are some of the trees at Fabyan Preserve, located in Geneva, Illinois. It is the former home of Colonel Fabyan.

Colonel Fabyan built Riverbank Laboratories – one of the first privately run research laboratories in the USA. The NSA credits Riverbank as the birthplace of cryptology and it was scientists from his laboratory who broke the Japanese code in World War II. Colonel Fabyan was also fascinated with frequency and Riverbank was the site of a tuning fork laboratory and manufacturing site, located across the street from Colonel Fabyan’s Frank Lloyd Wright designed home.

Now here is the amazing thing – throughout his estate there are an unusually large number of forked trees. Think frequency translated into the genetic blue print of the natural world surrounding the laboratory. And think just what that signifies for all human/nature interactions!

Below are just a few of the unusual forked tree formations on this estate.














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