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Clears & balances energy, Self-clearing, Never wears out, Paramagnetic, Helps people, animals, plants, stones & machines

Resonance® energy products, for humans and animals, are gentle and non-invasive. They work holistically, helping the wearer live in a balanced state that encourages good health.

Harmonizer Energy Bracelet | Crystal LIfe

Change silver bracelet

These Products with Purpose® have as their base a special Crystal Catalyst ceramic bead, which alters the nature of most harmful energies before they strike the body, removing environmental stress and allowing the body to resume normal functions. The bead is fired in a special energy field which realigns molecules so they absorb the energies that strike them and pulse them out in a beneficial form. These products combine the ceramic with gem­stones. The combination helps to stabilize and strengthen specific frequencies in energy fields. These products benefit the life energy field of whatever they come in contact with, including people, animals, plants and gems. They raise the wearer’s vibratory rate, dissipating psychic nega­tivity and stimulating the immune system. They do not harm and often improve the performance of electronic equipment, which is also affected by static and invasive energy spikes.

The effectiveness of these products has been proven via many subtle energy diagnostic tests, including muscle testing, photographic tests, biofeedback, radionics and use tests. Use of this product does not replace medical attention.

ENERGY ALERT: If your system is seriously stressed or unbalanced, it is best to introduce this product slowly, for your system is now not used to existing in clear energy. As a general precaution, we recommend you wear your new product for 2-4 hours the first two days, 4-6 hours the third and fourth days, and from then on as long as you like or feel the need.

The products available in this line are:

1. sterling silver pendant
2. dangling pendant
3. small dangling bead pendant
4. large “pony bead”
5. Zen energy pendant
6. sterling silver bracelet
7. Zen energy corded bracelet
8. Zen men’s bracelet/women’s anklet
9. Keychain
10. Bookbag and purse peace charm
11. purse charm
12. dog and cat collar bead
13. Horse mane bead

There are Five Energies/Bead Colors:

Cobalt Blue – strong energy
Turquoise Blue – gentle energy
White – peaceful energy
Black – protective energy
Maroon – changing energy

 Strong Healthy Energy

These products are made with a cobalt blue ceramic catalyst bead. This color bead emits a field of strong, healthy energy. It balances back to centered, healthy energy whatever it is placed near, whether that is a person, animal, plant, gem­stones, home or office. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The cobalt blue bead is excellent for people seeking to regain physical health, suffering from aches and pains, working around electronics, athletes seeking to sustain endurance dur­ing play. Gemstones energize specific aspects of good health. Chakra items balance the chakras and include: red jasper, or­ange aventurine, yellow calcite, green African Jade, Lapis lazuli or sodalite, amethyst, quartz. Zen items include carnelian and copper on cotton cord.

Gentle Healthy Energy

These products are made with a turquoise blue ceramic catalyst bead. This color bead emits a field of gentle, healthy energy. It balances back to centered, healthy energy whatever it is placed near, whether that is a person, animal, plant, gem­stones, home or office. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The turquoise blue bead has a soft energy excellent for gentle people seeking to regain physical health, suffering from aches and pains, working around electronics. Gemstones energize specific aspects of good health. Chakra items balance the chakras and include: carnelian, orange aventurine, yellow cal­cite, green aventurine, blue lace agate, amethyst, quartz. Zen items include new jade and copper on cotton cord.

Peaceful Energy

These peace-instilling products are made with a creamy white ceramic catalyst bead. This color bead protects you by emit­ting a field of peaceful energy that affects you and anyone or anything approaching you. It balances back to centered, peaceful energy whatever it is placed near, whether that is a person, animal, plant, gemstones, home or office. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combina­tion of rare materials specially fired. The creamy white bead is excellent for people seeking to resolve emotional situations through peace, and those whose immune system has been seriously compromised. This bead helps gently move your energy back into balance. When combined with gemstones or geometrics, the bead’s energy is tailored for a specific use. Gemstones include: silver bracelets have frosted crystal (angelic peace); zen items have howlite (skeletal strength) and copper on cotton cord.

Protective Energy

This protective energy jewelry – for you and your animals – combines a blue-black ceramic catalyst bead with gemstone beads, the combination generating a protective energy. All gemstone & ceramic bead combinations help protect from objects such as electronics, cell phones and computers that tend to drain physical energy, and are especially useful if these objects have particularly aggressive energy where you live or work. The zen bracelets and silver bracelets are combined with hematite and they block incoming negative energies such as encountered when traveling, presenting, and selling. The Silver pendants contain tourmalinated quartz and dissipate negative energies that have infiltrated your energy field such as from family and co-workers.

Changing Energy

Harmonizing energy jewelry – for you and your animals – is especially useful when going through change or in a situation where change is surrounding you or your animals, such as the earth changes going on nowadays or a change in your working or living space. It is also very useful for people going through mid-life changes – for men in mid-life crisis and for women in menopause – also for women’s monthly cycles. The maroon bead helps soften the energy field so that change comes easily; the unakite and pyrite offer protection and grounding. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The earth change silver bracelet combines aventurine, rainbow fluorite and rose quartz, and is useful for those affected by the earth changes.

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