You can keep beneficial energy resonating through your personal energy field all day long with Crystal Life’s Energy Jewelry. We joined with Biomagnetic Research to create this unique jewelry that combines healing crystals and gemstones with a remarkable resonant ceramic.

Psychic Chakra Energy Bracelet
Our Energy Jewelry clears and balances energy in very specific ways and is part of Crystal Life’s line known as Resonance® – Jewelry with Purpose®. You can see this resonant Energy Jewelry and other energy products throughout our parent site,
Resonance® Energy Jewelry is gentle and non-invasive. It works holistically, helping you live in a balanced state that encourages good health. It is a form of Environmental Protection Jewelry, alleviating the stress that occurs from today’s frequency-polluted environment (cell phones, computers, microwaves, etc.)
This Jewelry with Purpose® combines a ceramic catalyst bead with gemstones. The ceramic catalyst bead is based on the original Egyptian faience beads. The ceramic bead keeps your energy, and the crystal bead energy, resonantly clear. The selected gemstones resonate at specific frequencies. The combination helps to stabilize and strengthen specific frequencies in personal energy fields and environs.
The Crystal Catalyst alters the nature of most harmful energies before they strike the body, removing environmental stress and allowing the body to resume normal functions. The Energy Jewelry’s ceramic bead is fired in a special energy field which realigns molecules so that they absorb the energies that strike them and pulse them out in a beneficial form.

soft energy animal bead
Our Energy Jewelry line includes pendants, bracelets, anklets, necklaces, bookbag and purse charms – and animal collar beads.
There are five frequencies covered by this line of Energy Jewelry: Protective Energy (black), Peace Energy (white), Dynamic Energy (cobalt blue), Gentle & Psychic Energy (turquoise), Change Energy (maroon).
Strong Healthy Energy Jewelry – Handcrafted Utilizing the Cobalt Blue Crystal Catalyst Bead
These pieces of Energy Jewelry are made with a cobalt blue ceramic catalyst bead. This color bead emits a field of strong, healthy energy. It balances back to centered, healthy energy whatever it is placed near, whether that is a person, animal, plant, gemstones, home or office. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The cobalt blue bead is excellent for people seeking to regain physical health, suffering from aches and pains, working around electronics, athletes seeking to sustain endurance during play. Gemstones energize specific aspects of good health. Chakra items balance the chakras and include: red jasper, orange aventurine, yellow calcite, green African Jade, Lapis lazuli or sodalite, amethyst, quartz. Zen items include carnelian and copper on cotton cord.
Gentle Healthy Energy Jewelry – Handcrafted Utilizing the Turquoise Blue Crystal Catalyst Bead
These pieces of Energy Jewelry are made with a turquoise blue ceramic catalyst bead. This color bead emits a field of gentle, healthy energy. It balances back to centered, healthy energy whatever it is placed near, whether that is a person, animal, plant, gemstones, home or office. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The turquoise blue bead has a soft energy excellent for gentle people seeking to regain physical health, suffering from aches and pains, working around electronics. Gemstones energize specific aspects of good health. Chakra items balance the chakras and include: carnelian, orange aventurine, yellow calcite, green aventurine, blue lace agate, amethyst, quartz. Zen items include new jade and copper on cotton cord.
Peaceful Energy Jewelry – Handcrafted Utilizing the Creamy White Crystal Catalyst Bead
This peace-instilling energy jewelry is made with a creamy white ceramic catalyst bead. The creamy-white bead protects you by emitting a field of peaceful energy that affects you and anyone or anything approaching you. It balances back to centered, peaceful energy whatever it is placed near, whether that is a person, animal, plant, gemstones, home or office. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The creamy white bead is excellent for people seeking to resolve emotional situations through peace, and those whose immune system has been seriously compromised. This bead helps gently move your energy back into balance. When combined with gemstones or geometrics, the bead’s energy is tailored for a specific use. Gemstones include: silver bracelets have frosted crystal (angelic peace); zen items have howlite (skeletal strength) and copper on cotton cord.
Protective Energy Jewelry – Handcrafted Utilizing the Blue/Black Crystal Catalyst Bead

Protection | Dangling Bead Pendant
This protective energy jewelry – for you and your animals – combines a blue-black ceramic catalyst bead with gemstone beads, the combination generating a protective energy. All gemstone & ceramic bead combinations help protect from objects such as electronics, cell phones and computers that tend to drain physical energy, and are especially useful if these objects have particularly aggressive energy where you live or work. The zen bracelets and silver bracelets are combined with hematite and they block incoming negative energies such as encountered when traveling, presenting, and selling. The Silver pendants contain tourmalinated quartz and dissipate negative energies that have infiltrated your energy field such as from family and co-workers.
Changing Energy Jewelry – Handcrafted Utilizing the Maroon Crystal Catalyst Bead
Harmonizing energy jewelry – for you and your animals – is especially useful when going through change or in a situation where change is surrounding you or your animals, such as the earth changes going on nowadays or a change in your working or living space. It is also very useful for people going through mid-life changes – for men in mid-life crisis and for women in menopause – also for women’s monthly cycles. The maroon bead helps soften the energy field so that change comes easily; the unakite and pyrite offer protection and grounding. Based on ancient Egyptian faience, this resonant ceramic is a combination of rare materials specially fired. The earth change silver bracelet combines aventurine, rainbow fluorite and rose quartz, and is useful for those affected by the earth changes.
About Crystal Life’s Energy Jewelry
Resonance® Energy Jewelry, for humans and animals, is gentle and non-invasive. It works holistically, helping the wearer live in a balanced state that encourages good health.
This Energy Jewelry is part of our line of Products with Purpose® that have as their base a special Crystal Catalyst ceramic bead. This catalyst alters the nature of most harmful energies before they strike the body, removing environmental stress and allowing the body to resume normal functions. The bead is fired in a special energy field which realigns molecules so they absorb the energies that strike them and pulse them out in a beneficial form. These products combine the ceramic with gemstones. The combination helps to stabilize and strengthen specific frequencies in energy fields. These products benefit the life energy field of whatever they come in contact with, including people, animals, plants and gems. They raise the wearer’s vibratory rate, dissipating psychic negativity and stimulating the immune system. They do not harm and often improve the performance of electronic equipment, which is also affected by static and invasive energy spikes.
The effectiveness of this Energy Jewelry has been proven via many subtle energy diagnostic tests, including muscle testing, photographic tests, biofeedback, radionics and use tests. Use of this product does not replace medical attention.
Crystal Life®’s Energy Jewelry benefits not only the wearer but also the life energy field of whatever is in its proximity, including people, animals, plants and gems. It raises the wearer’s vibratory rate, dissipating psychic negativity and stimulating the immune system. It does not harm and often improves the performance of electronic equipment, which is also affected by static and invasive energy spikes.
The effectiveness of these subtle energy products has been proven via many subtle energy diagnostic tests, including muscle testing, photographic tests, biofeedback, radionics and use tests. Use of this product does not replace medical attention.
This energy jewelry employs a partnership technology, integrating well with other types of energy protection devices such as magnets and sacred geometry forms. The general rule is: when combining subtle energy tools, go slowly, introducing one item at a time and allowing your system to adapt before introducing the next item.
If you have a medical condition, please consult a medical doctor for appropriate treatment. That treatment usually includes a recommendation to create a healthier personal environment for yourself. Our Energy Jewelry can be included as part of your personal change.
If your system is seriously stressed or unbalanced, it is best to introduce this product slowly, for your system is now not used to existing in clear energy. As a general precaution, we recommend you wear your new new Energy Jewelry for 2-4 hours the first two days, 4-6 hours the third and fourth days, and from then on as long as you like or feel the need.
Who developed these products?
Crystal Catalyst products were developed by Biomagnetic Research, Inc. in 1987, in response to the founders’ personal health needs, which included environmental and occupational pollutions. The developers have professional backgrounds in earth sciences, ceramic chemistry, mathematics and archeology as well as a knowledge of subtle energy from years of dowsing.
Crystal Life Technology® utilizes the beads in its Resonance® Jewelry with Purpose® line, specifically for its Energy Jewelry, developed beginning in 1996 to help its founder, Atala Toy, recover from environmentally-caused illness. Atala has studied subtle energy in over 30 years of yogic and esoteric disciplines.
What are these products made of?
The base material in this line of products is a quartz ceramic dielectric resonator developed by Biomagnetic Research. This is a unique space age ceramic that alters the nature of most harmful energies before they strike the body, thus removing environmental stress and allowing the body to resume normal function.
Called a Crystal Catalyst, this ceramic acts as a catalyst to clear and restore healthy balanced energy to its environs. Energy Jewelry made with these catalysts do not wear out or clog up and are good for years.
The ceramic includes rare earths and is specially fired, resulting in a honeycomb structure. It incorporates ancient techniques of Sumerian and Egyptian faience jewelry with 20th century fiber optics — the science that enables telephones to transmit signals across the Pacific Ocean. These products are felt by your body’s subtle energy system the way a dog hears a high-pitched dog whistle humans are unaware of.
The ceramic also helps keep gemstones sparkling and energetically clear. It strengthens the stones’ natural ability to help heal and balance energy.
How do these energy products work?
The human body is about 70% water containing salt. It conducts electricity and is an electrical system. The body’s functions and responses are controlled by weak electromagnetic pulses from the brain. These regulate the body’s well-being and its ability to heal itself. The brain’s responses are affected by electromagnetic radiations in the environment which surrounds it. These radiations are unique in our electronic age.
Crystal Catalyst products alter the nature of most harmful energies before they strike the body, thus removing environmental stress, and allowing the body to resume normal functions.
Crystal Catalyst dielectric resonators are fired in a special energy field. This field realigns molecules so that they absorb the energies that strike them and pulse them out in a beneficial form. Dielectric resonators are not electrical conductors but are the strongest known collectors of electromagnetic energies.
Crystal Catalysts are gentle and non-invasive. They work on a holistic basis, helping you live in a balanced state which encourages good health. These products focus, balance, strengthen and amplify the beneficial life energy field of whatever they are in contact with, including people, animals, plants and gems. The products raise the wearer’s vibratory rate, dissipating psychic negativity and stimulating the immune system. The products do not harm and often improve the performance of electronic equipment, which are themselves affected by static and invasive energy spikes.
This Energy Jewelry can:
Encourage good health. Help you relax and get a good night’s sleep. Alleviate immune system stress, including asthma and arthritis. Help heal injuries when placed over spot.
Clear and balance energy fields. Used by experts in Feng Shui, Reiki, yoga and martial arts. Helps balances architectural, human, animal, plant and environmental energies.
Clear, energize and strengthen natural qualities of crystals and gemstones.
Alleviate energy draining from proximity of many human and machine vibrations such as is found when commuting, in large crowds, cities, and coming from apartments and offices above, below and beside you.
Help neutralize, while worn, the strength in your body of many harmful low level radiations from: computers, tvs, fluorescent lights, telephone receivers, automobile and airplane electronics, powerline transformers, microwave items, cellular phones.
Measuring The Effectiveness of Energy Jewelry
Crystal Catalyst products can be tested by any of the methods used to measure subtle energy. Gross physical tests, which have a “wide-hole” grid, may not be able to measure its presence.
Muscle testing. Tests at the University of California, SC and Regis College measured the strength of subjects before exposure to electromagnetic, gamma radiations, etc. from tvs and video displays then with various shielding devices. People were considerably stronger using Crystal Catalyst in the presence of emf than even before exposure.
Photographic tests. Regular, Kirlian and photocopier photos all show a strong energy field associated with these products and an increased energy field for the stones they are used with. Tests by four Kirlian laboratories showed subjects had larger, brighter auras with increased blues and greens after contact with these products. Cameras and photocopiers show a better register when these products are affixed.
Biofeedback. EEG and GSR tests showed subjects registered stress when exposed to electromagnetic radiation fields but did not register stress in the presence of the Crystal Catalyst products.
Use test. Subjects using bead or tab when operating electrical equipment report they don’t have the drained feeling usually accompanying prolonged exposure. Persons with low immunity for colds and flu, in a four-year test, reported increased strength, escaping seasonal illness that affected their mate and fellow workers.
Additional Protection
Other materials Crystal Life uses in its Energy Jewelry include natural materials such as stone, silk, silver and seed, and the energy-potent images and shapes found in our sacred geometry pendants.
The Environmental Connection
With so much technology in our living quarters, on our commute and in our work space, a growing number of us have discovered that modern conveniences can place a heavy toll on our health.
Much of our modern stress, worry, dissatisfaction, negative emotions, and health issues such as EBV, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, brain tumors, and cancers have a strong environmental component.
There are a number of energetic methods to assist in coping with the increasing variety of health issues we are all experiencing due to various types of pollution now affecting our earth.
When we alter the environment to which our bodies have adapted over millions of years, our whole energy field is thrown out of balance.
Computers, telephones, televisions, cellular phones, microwave ovens and the power sources needed to run them create powerful, electro-magnetic energy grids, or frequency “fences”. Many individuals who live and work inside these fields can no longer draw upon the natural cosmic and earth energies that help them restore their bodily health systems.
Environmental Protection

Environmental electromagnetic and microwave allergies are becoming increasingly prevalent throughout our Western society. There is a need especially for cellular phone, computer, and EMF protection. Crystal Life Technology’s shop includes many devices to assist in healing and protecting you from the strong narrow spectrum energies on which these devices operate. These include the Neutralizer tabs, found in our Space Clearing tools area.
Whether you are being affected by too much technology in your work space, your commute or your living quarters, a growing number of people are becoming aware that our modern conveniences come with a heavy price to pay in terms of our health. Much of our modern stress, worry, dissatisfaction, negative emotions, and health issues such as e.b.v., chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, brain tumors and cancers have a strong environmental component. Wearing high quality Subtle Energy Jewelry can help one component in a overall health regimen enabling you to effectively deal with this situation.
When you no longer have the environment to which the human body has adapted over millions of years, your whole energy field is thrown off-kilter. Together, computers, telephones, televisions, cellular phones, microwave ovens and the power sources needed to run them, are creating powerful short band energy grids, or frequency fences. These keep many individuals who work and live solidly inside these fields from being able to draw on the underlying natural cosmic and earth energies to consciously and autonomically restore their bodily health systems. You can find protective jewelry to wear throughout our shop, but especially in our Energy Jewelry area.
Crystal Life Technology uses resonant materials that soften the harsh narrow-band wave lengths. Using them can help restore earth’s natural healing harmonics to your personal and architectural energy fields. Our healing substances include a specially-formulated ceramic; natural materials such as stone, silk, silver and seed; and energy-potent images and shapes. Whenever you see any of our products made with the special clearing ceramic, you know these are especially effective pieces of Energy Jewelry that can assist you with environmental issues.
EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) Pollution
EMF (or Electro-Magnetic Field) is a broad term which includes electric, magnetic, and radiated fields (such as TV, radio, and microwaves) generated by charged particles in motion.
The field is always strongest near the source. But these energies have the ability to influence particles at great distances. For example, radiation from a radio tower influences the atoms within a distant radio antenna, allowing it to pick up the signal.
The effect of EMFs on biological tissue remains a most controversial subject, but virtually all scientists agree that more research is necessary to determine safe or dangerous levels. Iron, necessary for healthy blood and stored in the brain, is highly affected by EMF.
The permeability of the cell membranes of our nerves, blood vessels, skin, and other organs is affected, as well as the intricate DNA of our chromosomes. Throughout our bodies, every biochemical process involves precisely choreographed movement of EMF-sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions.
For this reason, if you feel you have any health issues, we recommend you visit a naturopathic doctor, and begin a regimen that includes organic foods and clothes – and Energy Jewelry.