The Rabbit (also called Hare) is a totem animal built on contradictions. They are silent, yet burst into hopping to move from place to place, and despite their reputation for procreation, they are prey for a wide range of animals. Those connected with this totem animal shouldn’t expect steadiness ahead. The sooner a rabbit person can adapt to a stop-and-go approach to their pursuits, the more likely they will be to reach success and avoid obstacles.
Those connected with the rabbit totem may also consider the meanings of this animal’s habits. Many sources see the rabbit’s fertility as a sign to open up to loved ones and embrace one’s sexuality. It has also been recommended that rabbit people consider vegetarianism or veganism as an alternative diet if they are lacking physical energy, as this taps into their totem animal’s eating habits.
If you resonate with the Rabbit or have it as your animal totem, see below for stones whose energy can help you connect on a deeper level.
Crystals for Rabbit Totem

Cat’s Eye
Cat’s Eye – Cat’s Eye has long been considered a stone of invisibility. Use it to connect with the rabbit’s ability to hide in plain sight by standing completely still.
Jade – A stone of fertility, Jade allows you to tap into the rabbit’s breeding patterns. It also promotes wisdom, connecting you with this totem animal’s ability to quickly determine their course of action.
Moonstone– Rabbits keep to a 28-day birth cycle. Moonstone connects you to the feminine energy lying dormant in this totem.
Rainbow Fluorite – Rabbits are thought to be capable of moving between our realm and the fairy realm. With Rainbow Fluorite, one can more closely connect to this dimension.
Green Tourmaline – Tourmaline is naturally a grounding stone, and its green variant allows one to deeply connect with the healing energy of Mother Earth. It also attunes you to plants and fauna, which rabbits eat and make nests in.
Crystals and Gemstones at Crystal Life
We hand-select all our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.
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Learn more about Animal Spirits by visiting our library page here!
We credit most of our information on Animal Spirits to two incredibly helpful guide books: Animal Speak by Ted Andrews and Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals by Dr. Steven Farmer, both of which are available for purchase on our website.