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What does it mean when Mercury goes retrograde and how can you use crystals to manage this event?  Despite the term “retrograde” – Mercury really doesn’t move backward, it just appears to. Lasting just 3 1/2 weeks, that’s enough time to help us slow down and readdress some issues in our lives. So why do people get concerned about Mercury Retrograde?

The planet Mercury rules all types of communication and traveling – speaking, the written word, contracts, homework, deeds, leases, wills, cars, travel schedules, etc. It also handles HOW communication occurs, which means it also affects computers, cell phones, all types of electronics. When Mercury is at rest, which is what a Retrograde is, these areas can suffer.

It is often advised not to take a new job during a Mercury Retrograde, don’t sign any type of documents (lease, legal agreements), pay careful attention to how you communicate with others,  keep your vehicles and electronics in tip-top shape, and give yourself extra time when traveling so you can manage delays with less stress.

It’s only a wee bit into this retrograde cycle and my home thermostat has provided some challenges, the garage door opener has gone kaput, and I’m hoping that’s all that is going to affect me. These are small things that can happen, but there can be larger issues. Such as when the newly released Samsung Galaxy Note 7 had exploding batteries.  This is a perfect example of communication issues coming to light during a Mercury Retrograde on a grand scale.

On the positive side of things, Mercury Retrograde is asking us to relax a bit, take time to enjoy life, and to pay closer attention to details. Been working on a job proposal or an important paper? Go back and look things over to make sure every detail is correct and it has been flushed out properly. Back up your computer, perhaps even clean out old documents and photos and put them on a flash drive. Then double check that they were transferred to the flash drive properly before removing it!

Labradorite Fairy Dreams Necklace

Labradorite Fairy Dreams Necklace

Old friends and relationships may pop-up during this time period – take the time to settle things correctly and with compassion. This is a second chance to handle things in the most positive manner.

Here are some of our go-to-stones during Mercury Retrograde. While they can’t help what happens due to the retrograde, they can help you and the way you’re able to manage issues more positively. Do you have a favorite stone to use during Mercury Retrograde? Leave a comment, we’d like to hear from you!

Black Tourmaline – Black tourmaline is a grounding stone that helps you to let go of fear and anxiety. Staying grounded helps you to handle issues and situations in a more positive manner.

Tree Agate – Tree agate allows you to be supported by Mother Earth, whose roots extend deep into the earth. This allows a healthy flow of positive earth energy to move freely through your body, providing support to allow you to work through any issues in your life with more ease and confidence.

Amazonite – Helps you to have harmony in the way you communicate with others and to allow you to express yourself with sincerity that comes from the heart.

amazonite pebble


Rainbow Fluorite – This stone is known for its ability to help with mental clarity and to allow the wearer to stay focused and on task. A good stone during the retrograde for those who often feel mentally “foggy,” it also helps you to pay attention to those little details that are so important during Mercury retrograde.

Jade – A stone of wisdom, Jade helps you to communicate, whether it be by voice or through the written word, with wisdom, thus avoiding potential pitfalls.

Labradorite: This crystal helps with the RE portion of Mercury Retrograde (re-examine, re-visit, revise). Protective, labradorite allows you to see that little bit that is hidden within yourself that needs to re-examined and brought into the light so you continue to grow as an individual while feeling safe and secure. 

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