Love is an essential part of the human existence. With a positive, healthy love we flourish, we feel more courageous, more hopeful about the world, and we are more tolerant and understanding of those around us. Mother Earth has created many different stones that help with love, help heal the heart, activate and open the heart chakra, and helps you to manifest love into your life. Here are stones that are love-centered. We’ve even included some stone combinations to help manifest the type of love you desire to bring into your life.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz
Most people know that rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love. A potent stone, gentle rose quartz is associated with Venus, the goddess of love and desire. Rose quartz attracts the kind of love that is associated with Venus – tender, passionate, erotic and exciting.
Known as the stone of successful love, emerald is a good stone for improving self-esteem, restoring confidence, and has a calming effect on emotions. When it comes to love or attracting love, wear emerald to attract successful love, and helps to keep that love once you have found it. Emerald has long been believed to ensure a happy marriage, making it an appropriate wedding or engagement gift or ring.
A goddess stone, Morganite placed over your heart chakra helps to gently bring unexpressed or repressed feelings to the surface, which allows forgiveness to happen, as well as release from the past. This allows your soul to move forward with love.
The stone of the compassionate heart. Rhodochrosite supports and promotes selfless love, the divine love that resides within you. Work with rhodochrosite to attract a twin flame love – a person with whom you can share unconditional love and mutual support.

Rhodonite Pebble
This stone promotes emotional balance, promoting a loving oneness while clearing and activating the heart chakra. Rhodonite helps to heal the wounded heart so that you can manifest love that is healthy and positive. Helps to release abuse and emotional trauma.
Considered the supreme love stone for the new age, sugilite represents Divine Love manifested on the Earthly Plane. Use sugilite to help clear and heal shocks and traumas of all kinds so you can stop repeating patterns in love and move towards healthier love. This is an excellent stone for empaths.
Rose Quartz & Sugilite – Helps you to manifest loving, supportive companionship.
Rose Quartz & Danburite – Together these stones can help you manifest unconditional, mutually supportive twin-flame aspect love.
Rose Quartz & Ruby or Garnet – These stones together help to manifest a more lusty and erotic love.