Every September 1 the Hogwarts Express awaits for students to arrive at Platform 9 3/4 so it can take them to their home away from home, Hogwarts. It matters not if you didn’t receive your owl letter at age 11 to announce you were magical enough to attend the school – if you loved the book series and/or films, you’ve likely journeyed over to Pottermore.com to at least be sorted into your house and get your wand from Ollivander’s. Did you know there are gemstones that can help you resonate with the energy of your Hogwarts House?

Ravenclaw crest courtesy of Pottermore.
The home of Gilderoy Lockhart, Garrick Ollivander, Sybil Trewlaney, & Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw House is known for being sharp, intelligent, wise, and witty. These individuals walk to the beat of their own drum, and embrace, without judgment, those who are also seen as “unusual” by society. Ravenclaw’s house colors are blue & bronze, their element is air.
Peridot: This beautiful stone helps the bearer to find balance – which Ravenclaws often need to do, as they get caught up in their studies, their inventions, and they ways they are striving to improve the world. A powerful cleanser, peridot helps you to stay true to yourself and not be influenced by outside forces. Peridot sharpens the mind, helps you to take responsibility for your own life, and helps you to find lessons from the past. This stone helps the Ravenclaw who needs to pull their ego back and evaluate the truth in their existence.
Celestite: Ravenclaw House is located high in a tower at Hogwarts. Celestite is a physical representation of the tower. A stone of high vibration, it is also a teaching stone. Celestite works with divine energy, provides peace, and helps you move toward enlightenment. A good stone for stimulating clairvoyant communication, celestite promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune. Deeply peaceful and balancing, this is a good stone for those dynamic Ravenclaws who are inventors, creators of new ideas, and instigators of positive change.
Selenite: A stone of very fine vibration, Selenite has strong connections to moon energy…think Luna Lovegood. Selenite brings clarity of the mind, calming, and is excellent when creating crystal grids. Selenite wands help cleanse the aura and helps to protect against undue influence from outside sources. This stone breaks down blockages that hold back your life. Perfect for the Ravenclaw trailblazers who need some extra help when creating and inventing.
Hawk Eye: Blue in color, Hawk Eye is part of the Tiger Eye family. A grounding stone, Hawk Eye aids in vision and insight, as well as attracting abundance. Use this stone to help release yourself from thought patterns and behaviors that do not serve your higher good. Use Hawk Eye to cleanse the chakra and invigorate the body.

Hufflepuff crest courtesy of Pottermore.
Considered the most underrated house at Hogwarts, don’t despair, even J.K. Rowling has said that Hufflepuff is her favorite House at Hogwarts. Home to Cedric Diggory, Nymphadora Tonks, Newt Scamander, and Professor Sprout, Hufflepuff is known to be just, loyal, patient, and devoted. Hufflepuff’s House colors are yellow & black, which represents wheat & soil. Their element is earth.
Moss Agate: Strongly connected to nature, moss agate is a naturally stabilizing stone. Strong and secure, must like Hufflepuffs are in their devotion and friendships, moss agate helps to refresh the soul and see all the beauty in the world. Attracting abundance, it also helps connect to intuition, improves self-esteem, and strengthens positive personality traits.
Sodalite: Often confused for lapis lazuli, sodalite is a stone of inner peace. This stone not only helps students, it assists teachers as well. An excellent stone of communication, sodalite clears the mind and helps with positive self-expression.
Emerald: Most people think that emerald should belong in house Slytherin, but the properties of emerald are more in line with J.K. Rowling’s favorite house, Hufflepuff. Emerald is known as the stone of successful love, but there is so much more to it than that. Emerald nurtures the heart, nurtures friendships, and embodies unity, compassion, and unconditional love – all things Hufflepuffs are known to represent. Emerald promotes good self-esteem, calms the emotions, invigorates thoughts and increases vitality.
Bronzite: Some Hufflepuffs need protection from classmates who like to bully Hufflepuff members – this is a protective stone that will work well for Puffs. Bronzite is worn to not only protect but repel spells or ill-wishes. Bronzite helps you to take control of your actions, helps you to take control of your own life. This is a stone that helps with self-confidence, restores composure, and helps you to break free of negative patterns.

Gryffindor crest courtesy of Pottermore.
Gryffindor House, the home of the Golden Trio (Harry, Hermione, & Ron), has also housed other notable wizards, including Albus Dumbledore, and Minerva McGonagall. Gryffindor members are known to be determined, brave, and to be brave. Gryffindor’s House colors are red & gold, and their element is fire.
Garnet: A stone of passion and courage, garnet fits the demeanor of the typical Gryffindor. Garnet helps you to stay true to yourself, as well as to warn of approaching danger. Garnet helps you when you’ve gotten off your path, helps you to spot where you are self-sabotaging yourself and are resisting change. It also helps you to remain faithful and determined to create to your goals.
Malachite: Known as the stone of magical transformation, malachite is a power stone for intense inner transformation. For Gryffindors, malachite provides some much-needed grounding, especially when you are accessing how to approach something bravely and courageously. Malachite protects you from and absorbs negative energy. Use it to scry and access other worlds – something you might want to ask Firenze about, not Professor Trelawney.
Lionskin: Named so because it resembles the coat of a Lion, Lionskin is similar to Tiger Eye. Providing soothing energy, Lionskin also has an earthy quality that is grounding. Lionskin enhances your positive personality traits.
Tiger Eye: A stone of courage, tiger eye provides stealth, vitality, and strength of will. This stone attracts abundance and good health and deflects anything that seeks to take it away. More importantly for Gryffindors, tiger eye teaches integrity and right use of power. It also works to help you find and promote creative compromise. Carry tiger eye when feeling down and needing a pick me up.

Slytherin crest courtesy of Pottermore.
Slytherin House creates leaders who are proud, ambitious, and cunning. Merlin is the most famous Slytherin House member – but you may also know Tom Riddle, Horace Slughorn, and Dolores Umbridge. Slytherin House colors are green & silver, their element is water.
Moonstone: Strongly attached to intuition and new beginnings, moonstone helps the Slytherin who uses their gut to guide them without hesitation. For those who find their ego gets the best of them, moonstone brings balance and perspective. For the impulsive Slytherin House member, moonstone helps to check those impulses. On the other hand, moonstone helps you to recognize synchronicity and serendipitous opportunities, something that Slytherins are famous for spotting.
Citrine: Warming and energizing, citrine is perfect for the dorms of Slytherin, which reside under the castle. Said to carry the power of the sun, citrine is a stone of wealth and manifestation. Placing a piece of citrine in your wallet not only attracts wealth, it also helps you keep it. This stone energizes every level of life. Happy and encouraging, having citrine by your side as you take the steps to manifest your dreams assures that you will get what you need most in life.
Serpentine: Slytherin House members are often referred to as “Snakes” by other houses at Hogwarts. SERPENTine is an earthing stone that opens psychic ability, stimulates Kundalini energy (also a snake), and helps you to feel more in control of your life. Use serpentine to find balance with mental and emotional issues, and for it’s naturally cleansing properties.
Merlinite: Named after the most famous member of Slytherin, merlinite is a stone heady with magic. Merlinite contains the combined knowledge of shamans, alchemists, magician-priests, and other individuals who work with magic. Use this stone to help support your magical practices – charms, potions, runes, etc. This stone can bring harmony to your life.
Hematite: The exterior of hematite is slick and slippery, much how some people see those found in Slytherin House. Despite this, hematite is actually a very positive stone for Snakes. Very grounding, hematite harmonizes mind, body, and spirit. Use this stone to help accept mistakes made and see them as positive learning experiences, not a strike against your character.