Crystals can help you feel more cool and in control during times of uncomfortable warmth. Many crystals have natural cooling properties which help your energy field to calm and quiet, helping you to feel more cool and at ease. You’ll notice most of the stones on our list are blue or green, colors of the sea. Choose one of these stones for the properties necessary to support you, knowing they’ll also keep you cool as you live your crystal life.

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Aquamarine – In addition to providing a cooler energy field, Aquamarine helps you to have the courage to overcome fears so you can engage more fully in life. This is a very comforting stone for sensitive people. It soothes your nerves, dissolves stress, and helps you to feel more comfortable in the world.
Blue Lace Agate – Blue Lace Agate is known as “the” stone to go to when you need calm, serene, and cooling energy. If you are shy or need to speak publicly, consider using Blue Lace Agate to provide support. It is known as the ultimate communication stone! It also helps those of us who have difficulty sharing our thoughts and emotions. For a short time blue lace agate appeared to no longer be available and prices rose sharply. A new vein has been found in the Americas, however, this stone may no longer be as readily available as it once was.
Lapis Lazuli – Lapis Lazuli provides protection during the process of self-mastery. Protects from harm by clearing negative energies from your energy field and cleansing your aura; balances forces so you can walk safely through a situation. Good for youth and adults who have difficulties with talking too much or speaking their thoughts in a concise manner.
Blue Apatite – Manifest your dreams and stay cool with Blue Apatite. Attuned to the future, use this stone during your meditation practice or

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when contemplating your next step in life. If you are working to raise your Kundalini, Blue Apatite is a stone option to consider.
Amazonite – Ground your energy while staying cool with Amazonite. Great for helping open your natural intuitive skills, Amazonite is harmonizing, soothing, and supports friendships. Use Amazonite when you need to see both sides of a situation.
Blue Calcite – Gentle and relaxing, blue calcite lifts your thoughts to a higher vibrational level, which in turn, quiets your mind. A positive stone for those who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.
Green Calcite – A stone of fertility, green calcite attracts abundance. It is especially good at drawing prosperity of all kinds into the home. Green calcite helps with clarity of mind, restoring balance in your life, and helps you to let go out dated beliefs.
Chrysoprase – Find hope and encouragement when you wear or carry Chrysoprase. A healthy stone for you when you are angry and don’t wish to speak out of turn or anger. If you have a tendency to be co-dependent, Chrysoprase helps you to find your

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independence while still being committed to those you love.
Hematite – Powerfully grounding and protective, the shimmering energy of Hematite also helps to keep you cool and collected. Harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit, Hematite allows you to live in the now and remain untroubled about the future.
Moonstone – Height your levels of intuition with Moonstone. A stone of new beginnings, Moonstone is calming, helps you to feel more stable, and soothes stress at any level. If you’re having trouble sleeping, keep some Moonstone under your pillow. A positive stone at any phase of the moon.
Sodalite – Often mistaken of Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite clears the mind of mental confusion and is slightly sedative. A good stone for sensitive people, as it helps them to communication in a manner pleasing to their group.
Larimar – A stone of joyous energy, Larimar is associated with the lost continent of Atlantis. This stone radiates love, peace, and tranquility, and helps produce a deep meditative state. Larimar is a stone that can help you find your soul pathway.
Rose Quartz – Rose Quartz is famous for having unconditional love energy. Calming, peaceful, this sedate stone attracts the love you seek while keeping you cool. When you wear or work with Rose Quartz, it helps you to set healthy boundaries, strengthens your empathy, and enhances your interactions with others.