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The consciousness of change is descending into the gross physical level of our earth. All of us with metaphysical backgrounds have known for decades that this time would be coming – this time when our earth would be entering a new period of consciousness, one in which we would have the choice to be more aware, in terms of consciousness, or be “left behind.”

None of us knew what this world would be like, except in theory. Well, the time is upon us and we are the ones being given the choice for all of time following, on earth, of how our civilization shall develop. No one is unaffected by today’s energy shifts, although we may get brief respites. My colleagues who are respected, established teachers and practitioners are experiencing the stress of these global changes as much as everyone else.

Consciousness is the key to staying on top of all these changes. Individually, each of us has to keep going back and redoing our own personal consciousness: who we are, how we fit into the world around us. In this profound time of change, this means constantly re-centering ourselves, then locating how to move out into the world we have established around ourselves. We must stay aware, because very often the rules of the game change as the world continually changes around us.

We also have to develop our ability to see and act on multiple planes of consciousness simultaneously. Our technology that we have built can do this, and now the complexity of our personal existences require our often changing perspective as we move through the demands of our everyday lives.

Most of us reading this blog are aware that we have inner assistance, from guides and protectors. We used to have the luxury to retreat into meditation or prayer, and peacefully commune with these inner worlds. It is, today, imperative to receive help while in action. When we have to make serious decisions on the spot, we need to be able to check in with our team, simultaneously discuss the issue with them and receive a “team” answer for immediate action in the physical world.

Listening to the inner team, which is supplying you with the knowledge of how subtle energy is moving around prior to entering physical form, is essential. But you have to be able to adjust to the different energy signatures or frequencies of your team very quickly, and that is hard while you are acting in the world. This is why this time is known as the period when spirituality is moving out of the ashrams and convents and into the world. Before, it was enough to be spiritual in seclusion; now it is essential to be spiritual while in action.

How can you turn these necessities into realities? Start practicing connecting to spirit while in action. Clean up your personal life: clean your living and working areas, clean up your eating habits, clean up what you choose to do for recreation. As you do this, keep thinking “How can I let the supporting energies of the universe move through this area of my life, and into my everyday world?”

Bit by bit, you will transform yourself into a conduit for your own higher self, your own inner team, and the higher energies of the universe, to dwell inside yourself. These energies radiate out from you, creating an aura of protection and of light that assists you – and everyone you come in contact with. You become that beacon of light that spreads, as light does, first for yourself, then your community, and then your world.

But it all starts with you…

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