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Dragonblood activates the chakras and promotes creativity at all levels. It assists with personal healing, aiding past and present life issues blocking emotional maturity and responsiveness. This stone helps you to “ride” the dragon energies associated with mastery of...


Dumortierite enhances your ability to psychically communicate with the Divine, promoting angelic connection with clarity. It assists in renegotiating life contracts and agreements that no longer serve you. Use this stone to create self-esteem, patience and courage in...
Elestial Quartz

Elestial Quartz

Elestial Quartz is recognized by the natural terminations all over its surface. These etchings are thought to be a type of cosmic alphabet describing the laws of the universe. They are most powerful assistants to the process of interdimensional and inner world...


Emerald is the stone of successful love, bringing domestic bliss and loyalty. It enhances friendship and unconditional love. This stone builds relationships on all levels by promoting harmony. Emerald transmutes negativity into positive action.   This is a wisdom...


Epidote enhances perception, increases spiritual attunement and removes ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening. This stone is believed to help the individual live life to the fullest, and have the courage to manifest dreams while strengthening sense of identity...


Erythrite (also known as Vivianite or Red Cobalt) is a stone of personal empowerment and self-confidence. It brings love and compassion into group affairs. This stone assists with communication and will provide answers to questions of any nature. It eases the flow of...


Eudialyte is a “heavy duty” Russian stone that helps guide you away from suffering to grow spiritually through joy and fulfillment. This stone has a strong connection to Kundalini energy. On the karmic side, eudialyte helps you know how to rectify...
Faden Quartz

Faden Quartz

Faden quartz is self-healed quartz. This crystal is fractured but healed itself, forming a visible line or thread. This encourages those fragmented soul parts, traumas, or other situations to reintegrate and heal. It is excellent for helping those working through the...
Fairy Amethyst

Fairy Amethyst

Fairy Amethyst (also called Spirit Quartz or Cactus Quartz) is a high-vibration crystal capable of healing on a multidimensional level. This stone connects you to subtler planes of consciousness depending upon your orientation, such as the fairy and spirit realms. Use...
Fairy Stone

Fairy Stone

Fairy Stones (sometimes called “Loess Children”) carry nature spirit energy and are excellent for grounding. The name was given to them by the Algonquin, who carried or placed them in the home for good luck and success in hunting for food. Historical...
Fire Agate

Fire Agate

Fire Agate is a calming stone that provides support when you are going through life challenges. This type of agate is a protective stone with a deep connection to Mother Earth. Use it as a protective shield when you feel there are others who do not want the best for...


The fluorite family of crystals is highly protective, capable of warding off negative energy and helping you recognize detrimental situations. This is an excellent tool for students and life-long learners. It helps to remove extraneous thoughts so you can focus on...
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