by Atala | Mar 27, 2011 | Spirit | Guides & Guardians
Archangel Michael is the universal consciousness who is in charge of helping our world to successfully transition to the new energies now coming in. He is a vast consciousness and each of us can draw from his energy as per our needs and our level of awareness.For over...
by Crystal Life Tech | Jun 27, 2013 | Spirit | Consciousness
Do you recall on those long trips your children asking, “Are we there yet?” Then some time later asking the same question? That is why we brought along games or traveling projects to do. It is a probability that we who are on spiritual paths may be asking...
by Atala | Oct 26, 2011 | Spirit | Guides & Guardians
When some people see or sense something “shadowy” moving about their home, they immediately think “ghosts” and get scared. They immediately project negative motivations to the shadowy object and seek to block it from their sight and want it out of their home. It would...
by Laura Jones | Dec 8, 2020 | Energy | Your Health
During these uncertain times it is common to become overwhelmed with all of the precautions you should be taking to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. In addition to all of the suggested routines of hand washing, social distancing, and more, remember to take...
by Esme Arechiga | Mar 11, 2021 | Energy | Your Health, Products & Jewelry with Purpose®
Since I have started working with candles, I began learning how to mix the right scents to create the perfect aroma for any situation. I went through a hunt on google searching up “Essentials oils for anxiety, stress, relaxation, etc.” hoping to get a variety of...
by Crystal Life Tech | Jan 20, 2022 | Astrology Stones
Specific stones have been found to resonate well with the energies of different times of the year. We have created a list of stones commonly associated with each of the zodiac signs, though this is not a definitive or complete record. Everyone operates under different...
by Crystal Life Tech | Nov 24, 2011 | Crystal & Gemstone Dictionary
Astrophyllite is an excellent stone for regeneration; it shows that as one door closes, another opens. This stone helps one detach, see and work with issues, and consider their own inherent self-worth and true purpose in life. Astrophyllite helps with reproductive...
by Crystal Life Tech | Feb 27, 2012 | Family, Children, Relationships
To be someone’s friend, you must first be a friend to yourself. This means putting your needs first and fulfilling your need for happiness. It helps to be honest about what you like to do, and what is actually being done. Do these two coincide? It helps to be honest...
by Crystal Life Tech | Apr 24, 2011 | Crystal & Gemstone Dictionary
Atacamite, a recently discovered stone, works willingly with the heart chakra, opening the chakra and helps to bring more unconditional love into your life. Sometimes confused with chrysocolla, it may share some of the same properties. This stone works forcefully with...
by Crystal Life Tech | Feb 10, 2022 | Sacred Knowledge of Ancient Traditions
The lost continent of Atlantis is still being sought. There are many versions about the nature of its existence, of the capacities of its citizens, and exactly where it was located. All tell of a civilization with a very high level of psychic knowledge, an expert use...
by Crystal Life Tech | Jun 27, 2014 | Crystal & Gemstone Dictionary
Atlantisite is outstanding for meditation, enabling you to access and retrieve ancient wisdom and information about your past lives. It is especially useful for accessing skills and knowledge from past lives in Atlantis, and to bring to completion projects begun at...
by Crystal Life Tech | Aug 1, 2023 | Birthstones
August is a month known for meteor showers, back to school prep, and hot summer days in the Northern Hemisphere. It was originally called Sextillus until it was renamed in the honor of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus. In the U.S., more people are born during this...