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Chrysocolla is a “feel better” stone. It brings a calming serenity to all situations. A serene stone, this stone is beneficial for women and encourages creativity. It can promote quiet inner balance and strength, create confidence, and increase one’s...


Chrysoprase helps you to connect to the wholeness of the universe. This is a stone of hope that stimulates your creativity and draws out your talents. Chrysoprase promotes feelings of security and truth while supporting you to be more independent.  This is a stone of...


Cinnabarite (commonly known as Cinnabar) is an ancient, powerful stone used in alchemy and the transformative process. Sometimes called the “Merchants Stone,” it is often placed near financial areas to attract abundance. It helps you to develop and ground personal...
Circle & Square

Circle & Square

The circle and the square are often used together to signify the expansion of energy (circle) and the holding of energy to examine it (square). The combination of the two forms – circle and square – enable you to hold an issue steady to examine it, or to...


Citrine is a good luck stone that energizes every level of life. This stone brings sunshine, joy, prosperity, protection, and self-confidence into your reality. Known as a Merchant’s Stone, citrine is associated with abundance and financial prosperity. If you...
Clearing and Protecting

Clearing and Protecting

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you get a wonderful new energy tool that works very powerfully—then gradually stops feeling as effective? There are several reasons for this. The first is that a good energy tool arrives carrying the positive intent of its crafter...
Clearing Crystals

Clearing Crystals

Having worked with crystals over the past several years, I have experienced the many ways to clear crystals and gemstones always advancing in the techniques, tweaking them here and there. Perhaps many are aware of the classic ways of clearing which I will share here....
Cobalto Calcite

Cobalto Calcite

Cobalto Calcite is a stone of unconditional love and forgiveness. Use this stone to lead you towards the best spiritual development phase of your journey. This stone helps to soothe intense feelings, bring about emotional healing, and end toxic emotional patterns and...
Colors and Feng Shui

Colors and Feng Shui

Color is such an integral part of life.  We use it to describe many facets of our life, from physical characteristics, health and attitudes, to emotions and spiritual experiences. We have all heard these expressions: “I am tickled pink” “He was green with envy” “I...
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