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Chakra (Dynamic)

Chakra (Dynamic)

Our Dynamic Chakra Jewelry is handcrafted exclusively by and for Crystal Life Technology, Inc.. These pieces consist of gemstones that encourage strong, balanced energies throughout the body. This jewelry helps you clear, center and balance your chakras for powerful...
Chakra (Psychic)

Chakra (Psychic)

Our Psychic Chakra Jewelry is handcrafted exclusively by and for Crystal Life Technology, Inc.. These pieces encourage gentle, subtle energies that allow you to clear, center and balance your chakras and manifest as calm, kind action in the world. This group of stones...


Chalcedony stones are one of the most widespread varieties of quartz in the world. Many agates, jaspers, and even fossils are considered to be this type of gemstone. They are naturally nurturing, often serving as good companion stones for groups seeking to form...


Chalcopyrite, also known as Peacock Ore, is a powerful energy conduit. It supports your life force energy and releases energy blockages. This helps your Chi (life force energy) move more fluidly through your body. Best of all, chalcopyrite helps you understand that...
Change of Worlds

Change of Worlds

The consciousness of change is descending into the gross physical level of our earth. All of us with metaphysical backgrounds have known for decades that this time would be coming – this time when our earth would be entering a new period of consciousness, one in which...
Change that Thought

Change that Thought

Many years ago I subscribed to Murphy’s Law which states if anything is going to happen it’s going to happen to me, and you know it usually did and it was because I brought that energy in. Many times today we find ourselves between the rock and the hard...


Perhaps you have heard the term,”That was really chaotic,” or, “What a mess that was.” When everything piles up or seems out of control, we tend to fall apart. We will cry, “Why me? What did I do to deserve this.” Many times we will...


Charoite helps you to stay in the present moment while finding joy in life. This is a stone of transformation, mindfulness, and healing; it is capable of releasing deep fears and facilitating acceptance for others. Use this stone to relax, let go, and accept the...


Chiastolite (also referred to as Andalusite or “Cross Stone”) is a stone of harmony, transmuting dissension and conflict to more peaceful and co-operative energy. This stone helps you to release outworn patterns and conditioning. It is especially helpful...
Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone (also called the Flower Stone) radiates harmony.  It helps you unlock your innocence, joy, and curiosity without encouraging childishness. This stone encourages calm confidence, unconditional worldly love, and familial love and bonds. It can help...
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