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Nature Spirits in Indiana’s Amish Country

Nature Spirits in Indiana’s Amish Country

I took a several day trip to Indiana’s Amish country, and on my journey encountered many nature spirits who strongly identified with the local culture. The Amish live simple lives close to the earth. They have great respect for their animals, for plants, and for...
Olympic Peninsula Nature Spirits

Olympic Peninsula Nature Spirits

It’s always a treat to take some time out from life and go play in nature. Every once in awhile I’ll join a photo outing with photographer colleagues to some interesting site in America. One such outing took me to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington...
Portraits of Green People

Portraits of Green People

This powerful tree lives on the land of one of the leading citizens of a small town in New Hampshire. This family of people have been benefactors of the town for many generations. Outside the front door of their family home stands this majestic totem tree. This tree...


Nature Spirits are like human people – different regions have different visual characteristics. The ones in the White Mountain area include very high energies, with refined features. They also have small thin mouths – perhaps that stoic rugged New England...


There is something very peaceful and secure about roots and the way they will make their way around whatever objects are in their environment. They can survive on clay soil, through cracks in rocks, on hard-scrabble earth tread by many passer-bys, and simply spread...
Same Life Form – Different Tree Species

Same Life Form – Different Tree Species

Different areas of the world have different energies and the nature spirits of that area have their own very specific visages. I very often learn about that area’s personality through the photographs I am privileged to take of the spirits. The Council Tree of...
Self-Offering of Trees and Rocks

Self-Offering of Trees and Rocks

Our Earth is  a wonder of self-offering. In movies, and stories of our human heroes, we often describe and marvel at the self-offering of the heroes who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the whole – the soldier who volunteers to serve his country so that...
Spruce Burl Trail

Spruce Burl Trail

Here are tree spirits I photographed one dawn and one dusk during my Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, exploration. These beings live along the Spruce Burl Trail, located at Beach One on the tip of the peninsula. The question many people have is...
Tanglewood Trees

Tanglewood Trees

Visited my son in the Berkshires last week end. There was a tree calling me to visit and take her photo. So I followed her call and ended up at the famed Tanglewood Music School..                    ...
Tree Spirit Portals

Tree Spirit Portals

Just finished a series of photographic collages of the energies around the trees of the Fox River Valley in Northern Illinois. Trees, like rocks, have many “faces” for they stay in one position for a long period of time, and develop various aspects of...
Trees in Love | Laura Clavio

Trees in Love | Laura Clavio

The pairing of stern balsam trees with gentle birches has been a forest deva’s special project. Atala wrote about this and Laura Clavio turned it into an audio story. The deva is in charge of a section of woods in the national forest that borders Atala’s...
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