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April Birthstones

April Birthstones

The ancient Romans called April “Aprilis”, meaning “to open”. This was perhaps a reference to the blossoming and growth during the first full month of Spring. Today, we subscribe to the idea that a birthstone is exclusively resonant with those...
August Birthstones

August Birthstones

August is a month known for meteor showers, back to school prep, and hot summer days in the Northern Hemisphere. It was originally called Sextillus until it was renamed in the honor of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus. In the U.S., more people are born during this...
December Birthstones

December Birthstones

The chill of winter, joy of the holidays, and final blessings of the year are all hallmarks of December. Historically, this month is tied with August for having the most birthstones at nine unique crystals. Many of them are blue, as the 15th century saw the color as a...
February Birthstones

February Birthstones

February, once known as Februarius, gets its name from an old Roman purification festival that occurred on the 15th of the month. Nowadays, it’s known for different celebrations and holidays, including Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and the many birthdays...
January Birthstones

January Birthstones

January is a month associated with new beginnings. The coming of the New Year brings about new life and resolutions for many. This month has seen various birthstones throughout the years and the world, though one remains an absolute constant. Curious? See below for...
July Birthstones

July Birthstones

July was originally called Quintilis, as it was once the fifth month in the calendar year. It shifted to seventh when January and February were added to the calendar around 450 B.C.. July is named for Julius Caesar, as it was his birth month. Over the centuries, this...
June Birthstones

June Birthstones

June marks the beginning of summer, bringing weddings and new opportunities. Many believe June to be named after the Roman goddess Juno, who represented womanhood and marriage. Because of this, this month has historically considered an auspicious time for brides and...
March Birthstones

March Birthstones

History shows March has had five birthstones. For centuries, the color green has been associated with this month. Despite this, a certain blue stone took over as the modern March birthstone sometime in the 20th century. See below for March’s birthstones!...
May Birthstones

May Birthstones

May is named after the Greek goddess Maia, one of the seven Pleiades and mother of Hermes. The Romans associated her with growth and with fertility. In turn, this month is commonly associated with the rebirth of nature and life, especially flowers. While many know...
November Birthstones

November Birthstones

November is often associated with abundance. Thanksgiving is celebrated during this month is several countries, and around the world, many enjoy the last weeks of Autumn before the chill of December and the New Year marches in. Historically, the color yellow has been...
October Birthstones

October Birthstones

The month of October sees Autumn in full swing, bringing apples, cider, tricks, and treats with it. Six different crystals have been recognized as birthstones for this month throughout the centuries. Interestingly, many of these gems promote peace, purity, or...
September Birthstones

September Birthstones

September has historically been considered a harvest month, marking the transition from the Summer months into Autumn. With it comes changing weather, the beginning of school, and the sowing of new seeds. While one gem has been marked as the primary birthstone for...

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