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Nature spirit is hiding in plain sight all around us. We just need to listen, and look. Up to recent times, and the advent of digital photography, we relied on artists to depict what was seen with the subtle senses.

One of my favorite artists is Bev Doolittle, whose Camouflage Art is widely recognized. Her artwork is the top four images on this post. In this series by Ms. Doolittle, she depicts the living spirit inside rocks, trees, water and air and helps us to see by making these images concrete. Sometimes the edge between spirit and matter blurs, bringing the two together in the same space. You can see Bev Doolittle’s art work at her website.


People sometimes comment on the similarity of my nature spirit photographs with the spirit of Bev Doolittle’s camouflage art. That is very true: we are both expressing the conscious ability of nature to communicate with humanity. My photographs are the bottom four on this post.

In my photographs, I am exploring the many ways nature reaches out to assist our world, including identifying so strongly with the third dimension that it manifests forms of people, animals and birds in different aspects of itself. This is digital photography expressing what the artist expresses with the brush. I call my work Nature Spirit Photography 

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