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We can learn to communicate with all life forms throughout the universe via a type of body dowsing that permits a person to locate, identify and communicate with any form of life. This is an area where spirit and science are merging quite well. It is a simple technique to practice. Once I have shown it to an energy-sensitive individual, she/he can replicate the process. The base for this process follows the same dowsing protocols the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) teaches in their Basic School of Dowsing. The process is simply internalized and extended.

flower of life centeringCertain preconditions need to occur for guaranteed success. These factors seem to be field-defining parameters that limit the amount of knowledge or dimensions through which we can travel and the types of beings we can associate and work with.

The first condition is the necessity to break with our civilization’s common perceptions. We have been conditioned to block communication with other dimensions of existence because we have been taught that they do not exist and/or to communicate with them would be impossible. We need to stay open to the possibility that anything can occur.

The second is to understand that, if all existence comes from one source, this is the location where all of us are able to communicate with each other; at the deep source-level. We simply need to connect to source inside ourselves and via internal dowsing locate the source frequency of the other life form.

Letter to RobinMost dowsers are familiar with Walt Wood’s dowsing chart from “Letter to Robin.” (You can download his book and chart for free on the Crystal Life website). In dowsing for interdimensional beings, we use his basic dowsing chart. We hang or swing our pendulums in the ready position and the pendulum swings to a position on the chart representing the frequency of the being.

Gradually, over time, many dowsers internalize that swinging motion, after having observed that there is a slight gradation of energy flowing through the body. This connects our “center” (the spiritual heart in the middle of the chest) to the frequency that the pendulum over the chart is locating and defining. It is then only a matter of time before the whole process is internalized and frequencies can be located by shifting about internally. In this way we “body dowse.”

Third, we need to exist in a state of ahimsa (non-injury or refraining to cause harm to any living creature). If the life-form we are seeking to contact senses that we wish to harm it (or fear it), it will not permit us to contact it in any significant manner.

When we start this type of dowsing, each of us has an affinity for certain families of life forms and it is easier for us to contact them. Gradually, we extend our contact to other life forms. We find that everything is alive. It does not matter whether it is another human, an animal, plant, tree, rock, a manufactured life form such as a cell phone tower or a chair, extra-terrestrials, angels or so-called “dark” forces.

I was once contemplating a particularly difficult job. The land had polluted ley lines, vortexes, power lines, traffic and distressed nature spirits. I was deciding which tools to use when I heard a voice say, very clearly, “Well, there is ANOTHER way.” When this being had my curious attention, it continued, “You can ASK us.” It was one of those “Aha” moments: total, simple logic that had been overlooked. And so, my journey began. Simply shift frequencies and learn to communicate with the life form in a manner understandable to both you and the life form.

When I do a land clearing now, I involve the client in this as well. First we discuss the issue that they wish resolved. Then I walk around the property and internally dowse to locate the source of the issue(s). Very often it includes a life form (or more than one) who is misunderstood or upset with the owner. I then come back and set the space where I can communicate with the life form(s). I internally dowse the frequencies using Walt Wood’s dowsing chart and create a three-dimensional self-contained field of energy (some may see this as a Merkabah). I then internally assist the concerned parties (client and life-form) to step into that space and communicate with each other. Unfailingly, they have always been able to achieve this communication. Perhaps it is because each has been attempting to be heard but could not find the proper channel, until now.

I have seen reserved and doubting presidents of corporations burst into tears when they very clearly heard their home communicate with them in such encounters. One wrote me: you “opened our eyes to a new realm of communication and connection we never even thought existed. I was brought to a place where I could connect with my house in incredible ways and reach wondrous insights into myself and my relationship with the world around me. It was an amazing evening.” Once a conscious energetic connection has been made, the two parties can continue to openly communicate with each other and in a spirit of harmony resolve their various issues.

Today we feel it totally appropriate to dowse which brand of Vitamin C is better for us or where a ley line is. It is only a small step from that to dowsing not only what kind of energy is living in a locale but also what it is, what it needs and wants, and how we are to work with it to assist it to meet its needs and wants. This communication will go a distance towards resolving the needs of the human occupants of that locale as well. Communication can be with the area’s nature spirits, the trees and other plants, rocks, inner earth communities, interdimensional cross-overs, lost spirits, and the living intelligent communities that make up ley lines and vortices.

Our world is changing in frequency. It is elevating and we are beginning to know more and more clearly that there are other worlds intersecting with ours. Once only the highly esoteric traditions could communicate with other realms. Now more and more people are spontaneously experiencing these crossovers. We can facilitate these communications using dowsing.

We find that not only are we not alone in this universe, not only are we capable of communicating with all life, we are part of larger interdimensional communities with whom we have made and can make pacts, long-term or short-term, to assist one another.

This article appeared in “The American Dowser Quarterly Digest, Volume 46, No. 4. Fall 2006.” For more information on dowsing, visit www.dowsers.org

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