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The Sri Yantra graphs the harmonizing of all energy that eventually occurs throughout creation. Sri Yantra means “the most honored yantra.” It is thousands of years old, and is prominent in Far Eastern art, both Hindu and Buddhist. It is a popular image among Western yoga practitioners.


Sri Yantra CoasterA “yantra” graphs energy as it moves through its own field, or merkaba. Yantras are often incorporated into mandalas. “Mandala” means circle, in Sanskrit. So when a yantra is created into a schematic of the universe, it is also a mandala. The Sri Yantra, as shown here, is both a yantra and a mandala.

The Sri Yantra is so highly revered because it accurately depicts the process by which, when spirit emerges from source (the central point) and descends into matter (three downward facing triangles – symbolic of matter or the feminine creation), eventually it self-corrects and sends up an ascending triangle (a symbol for spirit, or the masculine aspect of the universe). While initially these triangles are not equilateral, and hence move back and forth between the two energies, they finally each become equilateral and order is restored in the universe.

Creation Mandala | Bhuvaneshwari Yantra | Classic

Creation Mandala

This final equilateral triangle overlap is also known in the Far East as the Creation Yantra and, in the west, as the Star of David or star tetrahedron. Our human energy field is a star tetrahedron in action, and when we are in balance, the two sides are both spinning well, as shown here, and we are content.

I have written about the Sri Yantra, and the merkaba, extensively in my book We Are Not Alone: A Guidebook to Interdimensional Cooperation. It is also part of the nine meditation exercises you can download from my website.

I have frequently seen this geometric turned upside down, which is incorrect – when done this way it depicts three ascending triangles as the start of matter. The classic formation is the downward turned one that we use in our products.

I have personally worked with the Sri Yantra Mandala for many years. I have found it very soothing to keep it energetically present. It helps me to have detachment from whatever unbalanced situation I might temporarily find myself. Eventually, through my own efforts, those of others and those of the universe, the situation will self-correct (“with a little help from my friends”).

When you are undertaking a new project, or are trying to figure out why the energy of a project is not working well, the Sri Yantra is your greatest friend! It helps you to stay focused, in balance, and to avoid the pitfalls of any project.

Sri Yantra on mugs, coasters, mousepads and pendants

Sri Yantra on mugs, coasters, mousepads and pendants

I recommend your identifying with the Sri Yantra energy by wearing it, and by harmonizing your food and drink with the image. I have been working to provide people with this powerful aid and recently have come upon a method to do so, on many helpful household and personal products. Currently, you can incorporate the Sri Yantra from us at Crystal Life via pendants, mugs, coasters and mouse pads.

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