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Some Feng Shui consultants use dowsing as a tool to help with recurring issues. After a systematic approach to Feng Shui has been applied, but the problem persists or lingers, I look at the earth and land based situations. Geopathic stress may cause the inhabitants of the home to have difficulty sleeping, concentrating, relaxing, and getting along with each other. Another common happening is that appliances at home may frequently breakdown. Symptoms may also manifest itself as different forms of depression, particularly when the energy is very low no matter how beautiful the room is.

Left Turn Spiral Pendulum | Crystal LifeDowsing has been used since ancient times as a divination tool, and now in modern times it is used by many to help with a variety of everyday situations. Questions such as choosing a vitamin, where to plant flowers and trees. Also, questions about relationships with a specific person or choosing a job.  Massage therapists may use it to help diagnose blockages or areas of attention in our bodies and chakras. The device used for dowsing is called a pendulum. The pendulum acts as a conduit to the divine and the Universal Mind. It accesses our intuition for answers. The answers are given by the form of a “yes,”  “no” or a “maybe.” It is how the pendulum chooses to move. Knowing how to expand on the answers by asking specific questions will bring consistent results.

As we go forward in our conscious evolution, our intuition is becoming a necessity. By tuning into the energy fields, we can clear and balance them, if needed, and enjoy a life of greater happiness and contentment.

At the close of this millennium, science, art and mysticism are coming closer and closer together as we realize that no part of reality is disconnected from each other; that the good of each is dependent on the good of all.” ~ Denise Linn

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