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5 Crystals for Tiger Totem

5 Crystals for Tiger Totem

The Tiger is connected to devotion, passion, and sensuality. Connecting with this totem animal is thought to bring about many adventures in a realm entirely your own. The folklore and mysticism surrounding the tiger suggests a number of qualities that totem bearers...
6 Crystals for Ram Totem

6 Crystals for Ram Totem

Rams (also known as Big Horn Sheep) symbolize new beginnings. As a totem animal, the ram encourages taking leaps into new territory. The toes on their hooves assist with gripping and absorbing the impact of moving between small surfaces. In spirit, the ram calls for...


Aventurine (sometimes called Green Quartz) is a crystal for healthy new growth. This stone attracts luck, abundance and success. It promotes both physical and spiritual maturation by balancing one’s masculine and feminine energies. This stone also amplifies...


Chalcedony stones are one of the most widespread varieties of quartz in the world. Many agates, jaspers, and even fossils are considered to be this type of gemstone. They are naturally nurturing, often serving as good companion stones for groups seeking to form...


Calcite crystals are some of the Earth’s best energetic cleansers. While this gemstone can be found in many colors and varieties, all share the ability to dispel negativity from one’s environment and raise their inner spirits. Calcite releases self-imposed...


Kyanite stones are spiritual and energetic transmitters capable of enhancing the vibrations of its carrier. All forms and colors of this crystal work well with spiritual and mental development through connecting to higher forms of energy. Kyanite stones are also...
5 Crystals for Seahorse Totem

5 Crystals for Seahorse Totem

The Seahorse is a type of tropical fish named for its unique head shape and long, curled tail. This animal totem calls for an evaluation of the gender roles one might be occupying. Seahorses are known for their reproductive behavior, in which the male carries the...
Crystals for Groundhog Totem

Crystals for Groundhog Totem

The Groundhog (also known as the woodchuck) represents trance, dreams, and death without dying. A member of the squirrel family, the groundhog totem animal shows up when it’s time to dig deep into a new area of interest or study. They are efficient underground...
3 Crystals for Lion Totem

3 Crystals for Lion Totem

The Lion has long served as a symbol for many cultures, representing the sun, elements, and even gods. As a totem animal, lions embody strength, community, and feminine energy. Its roar and hunting prowess are signals for those connected with the lion to assert their...
5 Crystals for Flamingo Totem

5 Crystals for Flamingo Totem

The Flamingo is a unique bird recognized for its pink plumage and long, thin legs. They are also known to travel together in large flocks (called flamboyances). If you have connected with the flamingo as your totem animal, it may be time to seek out friends and social...
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