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Gaia Mother Earth

Gaia Mother Earth

The Earth has been thought of as a mother since the first human achieved a higher level of consciousness and awareness of everything around him/her. Good fortune, prosperity, and abundance were attributed to her at all levels. The Earth has been around for about...
My Path to Goddess

My Path to Goddess

My Path to Goddess The Path to Goddess is one the poets have spoken of since the beginnings of language. It is a mythical mystical path often thought of as “the road not taken.” It is the first life-changing step taken out of the door of familiarity. For many years in...
Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel

When many people think of the Medicine Wheel, they automatically think Native American Medicine Wheel. However, all cultures have a similar concept, whether it is called a wheel (many cultures had no concept of the wheel), a circle, or a ring of power. It may be...
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