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Serene Scenes

Serene Scenes

Here are five serene scenes to enjoy, during this period of sequestering. Our prayer from all at Crystal Life is: May all beings be healthy, safe and at peace.  If you would like to listen to the very peaceful Buddhist Metta Chant, which asks for peace and protection...
Happiness is a Choice | Nature Spirits

Happiness is a Choice | Nature Spirits

At a time like this…here are some happy nature spirits. The portrait studies I’ve done of nature spirits over the years have led me to connect with those who are happy just – being. These are usually not the leaders of the nature world, who like our...
Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra

The Sri Yantra graphs the harmonizing of all energy that eventually occurs throughout creation. Sri Yantra means “the most honored yantra.” It is thousands of years old, and is prominent in Far Eastern art, both Hindu and Buddhist. It is a popular image...
Contemplating Our Own Mortality

Contemplating Our Own Mortality

Contemplating our own mortality has been much on many peoples’ minds in recent weeks. The topic brings up so many issues, cultural and personal. We are fortunate to be given the free time to consider the matter…a side product of our stay-at-home mandates...
Rock Spirit: Stability in a Time of Change

Rock Spirit: Stability in a Time of Change

It helps, in times like these, to identify with life forms who have been around a very long time…and have survived. For me, rock and tree spirits have always proven to be my stable place holders. Rock spirit is especially useful when you have to just dig in,...
Friendships Across Dimensions

Friendships Across Dimensions

My work with other worlds is undertaken in the energy of friendship. I work with other life forms as a colleague. Just as at one time Americans found people from India, Japan, Russia, Morocco to be exotic, and their culture strange and non-understandable, so, too,...
“I Love You”  from Nature

“I Love You” from Nature

Sometimes Nature knocks us on the head with the message “Hello! I love you!” Many people have had the experience of this – the occasions run from feeling sad and needing reassurance to feeling really good and in love with all of life. Sometimes...
Trees in Love | Laura Clavio

Trees in Love | Laura Clavio

The pairing of stern balsam trees with gentle birches has been a forest deva’s special project. Atala wrote about this and Laura Clavio turned it into an audio story. The deva is in charge of a section of woods in the national forest that borders Atala’s...
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