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Circle & Square

Circle & Square

The circle and the square are often used together to signify the expansion of energy (circle) and the holding of energy to examine it (square). The combination of the two forms – circle and square – enable you to hold an issue steady to examine it, or to...
My Rock Spirit Family

My Rock Spirit Family

My feet took me to a hillside strewn with boulders large and small, and the prevailing stone energy was so soothing that I sought an appropriate place to sit and center. Guided to a large, peaceful boulder, I sat in yogic cross-legged style in a cubbyhole at its base...


The following is an excerpt from Atala’s book We Are Not Alone on the importance of resonance: In all the disciplines, ways are coming forward to affect, change, enhance and embed energy in fields. All these new (and ancient) technologies make use of the same...
Mercury Retro is a Time to Redo

Mercury Retro is a Time to Redo

Around our store, when it moves into Mercury Retro, we are very careful about our computer use! Computers, at least for energy workers, can get very petulant during this time and glitches and outages occur for seemingly no reason. We all take a deep breath and center...
Icelandic Elves

Icelandic Elves

The recognition of nature spirits is a given for many people in Iceland, where, AP reports: In this land of fire and ice, where the fog-shrouded lava fields offer a spooky landscape in which anything might lurk, stories abound of the “hidden folk” –...
Water Has Memory

Water Has Memory

Studies at the Aerospace Institute at the University Stuttgart show that the same water, when placed on a sampling tray by different people, will produce different images, or internal geometrics, embodying the energy to which it has been exposed. The photo below shows...
A Friend of the Trees

A Friend of the Trees

It is my great honor to be a friend of the tree spirits. They are our colleagues here on earth, and we are meant to work together in a conscious manner, for the betterment of all. I have been working with the tree spirits for a number of years now and go out regularly...
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