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A Love Story Told in Stone

A Love Story Told in Stone

A Guardian of Place reminisces about that happy time in his  youth when he and his love were happily together. He left to pursue spiritual knowledge – which he achieved. By that time, his long-ago love had grown older and he had grown sadder but...
Tree Faces from Down Under

Tree Faces from Down Under

Faces in Nature – some people see them easily, others don’t at all. It is a matter of how easily you can shift your consciousness between frequencies. Different life forms exist in different frequency ranges. It is the specifying of what frequency you...
The Torus

The Torus

The Torus is a core level sacred geometry form. This image graphs the process by which all energy, when it is correctly aligned, continually is cycling, up and down and around, between spirit and matter. The image of the Torus explains how something starts as a...
When Trees Die in a Storm

When Trees Die in a Storm

I received an email from a gentle soul who had this question: I want to discuss with you the terrible ice storm that we experienced in Western Kentucky in 2009 that damaged every tree, and I do mean Every tree in McCracken County and a much greater surrounding area...
The Only Constant is Change

The Only Constant is Change

Change – what does that mean to you? Is it a positive or a negative in your life? It can be a focal point around which all else revolves. We try to remind customers of this, when they come into our store seeking a stone to help them work through some change that...
Tanglewood Trees

Tanglewood Trees

Visited my son in the Berkshires last week end. There was a tree calling me to visit and take her photo. So I followed her call and ended up at the famed Tanglewood Music School..                    ...
Council Tree in Mann’s Choice, PA

Council Tree in Mann’s Choice, PA

Here’s a wonderful Council Tree I discovered, in a private residential enclave in Mann’s Choice, Pennsylvania. Thought you would enjoy seeing some images of it.  A Council Tree is a “courthouse” tree where nature spirits bring issues to be...
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