Congratulations to Jullie Kopitko Weeden for her winning image of a sentry tree. Julie was one of the participants in my Infinity Foundation Nature Spirit Photography Workshop that took place late October. We spent the beautiful autumn afternoon visiting with the nature spirits who live at the Heller Nature Center in Highland Park, Illinois. Julie’s winning photo shows a bearded pioneer (facing left), a dog spirit (facing right) and an Indian in a headdress (below the dog, facing right) So she photographically recorded a very responsible sentry tree who was carrying the images of previous occupants of that land, and showing its faithfulness in working with all of them.
Photographing Nature Spirits

Julie Kopitko Weeden – Tree Spirit
Our group had a wonderful time sharing finds with each other, and exploring the various nature spirit territories that we passed through. The Center focuses on retaining the natural woodland and prairie settings of the Mid-West and their dirt paths wander through a number of micro-climates. Each of these areas is occupied by a different nature spirit group and we had a good time learning to observe these changes.
One area of particular interest was a pond at the end of one of the paths. Leading up to the pond is a grand tree that was once the nodal point for a powerful and beautiful vortex. Now, alas, a man-made elevated rail freight line cuts through the portal, and all the life forms in the area show the weakened energy that has resulted. Such a shame when humans so thoughtlessly ruin nature’s careful crafting! A sentry tree who is seeking to address the issue is this one, captured by Julie and others. A number of participants sent in photos of this tree but I especially liked Julie’s because she photographically captured so many of the energies – very hard to do on a sunny day with lots of shadows!)
The photos everyone took were just wonderful…once the group got the idea of how to see, bring forward and photograph the spirits…they got a lot of good shots. The nature spirits of the area were cooperating full force. That was partly because we stopped on entering the woods and politely and sincerely addressed the over-lighting deva of the woods, let her know we came in peace and wanted to take photos to show the real presence of nature spirits, and asked for her blessings. It was very powerful and clearly felt, when walking in between the two sentry trees of the forest, that we were entering another world from the one outside. It was even more remarkable when we left. As we moved past the two sentry trees, we all experienced a sudden blankness of energy and light that changed from golden to grey.
Sharing Information in Community
Participants were invited to submit their favorite photos online at our Nature Spirits Facebook Group, and the photographer of the winning photo would receive one of my nature spirit books, autographed. Congrats, Julie – which book do you want :)
Here are two other photos that I really liked.
This one (left), by Shivani Desai Mendez, shows sentries in a tree that demarcated the boundary between two nature spirit realms. A number of participants photographed these sentries; I picked Shivani’s for the overall quality and clarity of the photo, and how well she captured all the details of these spirits, who are more complicated multiple life forms, the closer you look.

Tera Garcia deMarco – Tree Spirit
Tera Garcia deMarco wins for the most nature spirits photographed! She was really resonating with the energies, as was Julie. I especially liked this image (right) of an open-mouthed spirit for its energy. Tera captured the emotional nature of this spirit really well.
Next Nature Spirit Photography Workshop
My next photography workshop will be held in June at the Theosophical Society of America headquarters, in Wheaton, Illinois. We’ll release details closer to the date.
We invite you to join our closed Nature Spirit photography group, on Facebook, where we share photos our members have taken of nature spirits. Our membership is worldwide.