The Earth has been thought of as a mother since the first human achieved a higher level of consciousness and awareness of everything around him/her. Good fortune, prosperity, and abundance were attributed to her at all levels.
The Earth has been around for about fifteen billion years, whether by the Big Bang or by the thought of Source. The physical matter began to form together to create suns, stars, and planets. The Earth is, of course, the one we are most concerned with. From the Kabbalah’s perspective, the Earth and the physical realm we live in is the end result of Source’s thought.
Gaia Consciousness
This Great Consciousness, whether called Gaia, Sophia (or Soul of the Earth), Isis, Pachamama, Kali, Tara, Brigid, or Danu, has been received, respected, and called upon in every culture throughout Earth’s long journey.
Today Mother Earth and the nature spirits are mostly forgotten or ignored. As we look around the Earth we see a notable lack of understanding and respect for her place and purpose. One purpose of Crystal Life Technology is to bring an awareness of Gaia and her assisting nature spirits to the forefront of modern thought.
The Earth’s Kingdoms
The Earth is the physical consciousness of Gaia, consisting of the mineral, vegetable (plant kingdom), and animal kingdom. Within the mineral kingdom every crystal, gemstone, or rock formation has a specific higher guide Deva with nature spirits or elementals under her guidance. These aspects of the Earth are brought into form through the acts of and care of these specific nature spirits.
The vegetable kingdom is next and the nature spirits and elementals of Earth, air fire, and water nurture every seed, plant, grass, or tree to reach its full potential. Within the seed pod of an acorn is the consciousness of the mighty oak that will touch the sky. Whether tree, weed or flower, each member of the plant kingdom has a consciousness we can connect to for spiritual guidance and healing support.
The animal kingdom includes insects, aquatic life, reptilian, flying creatures, and mammals (of which we are a part). All of these categories of Earthly life are assisted and guided by Gaia and her nature spirits from conception until death.
Mother Earth at Crystal Life
We at Crystal Life Technology invite you to examine our website, library, videos, photo gallery, and other areas to learn more about connecting to the nature spirits.
Crystal Life offers a wide variety of Gaia and mother nature products. Check out our crystals, crystal grids, jewelry, and books.

Gaia Guidance Crystal Grid

Gaia Oracle Cards

Picture Jasper Leaf Pendant

Wisdom of Gaia