There is a lot of talk lately about how our world civilizations are “losing” so many things… jobs, investments, opportunities.
I’m thinking of all the people who’ve come into our store looking for a stone or energetic information to help them because they recently lost their job. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or a victim, the customers have very often expressed gratitude because now they can go in a new direction, one they may have dreamed about but felt they needed to be responsible instead. Some want to study yoga, martial arts, massage, chiropractic or naturopathic disciplines. Suddenly free of all their “oughts,” and having discovered that doing what they should do has only made them unhappy, they are giving themselves permission to do what they love. They tell us what a sense of freedom they now feel – it may be less money in their pocket – but money seems to come and go anyway – and now they wake up each morning glad to be alive.
Did these people win or lose?
Something similar happened to me, back in 1995 when I started Crystal Life. My inner team kept –literally – nagging me until I agreed to quit my comfortable job with steady pay at the United Nations and set up a company that would work with subtle energy and healing gemstones. I told them if I did this, I would end up on the street – and I wanted them to know it would be all their fault! Finally, unable to deter the nagging, I jumped. Instead of a free fall into the void, I found my team knew better than I did, and I found solid ground very quickly under my feet. And a level of happiness I had not known before.
Sometimes winning can mean losing. Such as when we pretend to be something to win our goal, such as a specific type of job – then we find we can’t enjoy the goal because it does not really suit us. Or we win by making someone else look bad – and find out our own energies have changed so much that we can no longer be free and open in our relations with others.
So if you feel you are losing right now – as if things aren’t going your way – learn to talk with your inner guides. They can help you immensely for they can see into the future, and above the physical world into the world of energy that forms matter.
Linda Ulrich DeFever posted in facebook today the following quote: “Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.”
King Whitney Jr. It seems these issues are on many peoples’ minds today!
Tracy Paddy Seccombe sent us the following article today. It comes from the following really great website:
Things We Can’t Control
Allow, Trust
We develop grace as we learn with the guiding hand of the universe, life will unfold exactly the way it should.
The idea of trusting the universe is a popular one these days, but many of us don’t know what this really means and we often have a hard time doing it. This is partly because the story of humankind is most often presented as a story about struggle, control, and survival, instead of one of trust and collaboration with the universe. Yet, in truth, we need to adhere to both ideas in this life.
On the one hand, there is much to be said about exerting control over our environment. We created shelter to protect ourselves from the elements. We hunted for animals and invented agriculture to feed ourselves. We built social infrastructures to protect ourselves and create community. This is how we survive and grow as a civilization. However, it is also clear that there are plenty of things that we cannot control, no matter how hard we try, and we often receive support from an unseen force – a universe that provides us with what we cannot provide for ourselves.
It is a good idea to take responsibility for the things in life that we can control or create. We work so we can feed, clothe, and shelter our loved ones and ourselves. We manifest our dreams and visions in physical form with hard work and forethought. But at a certain point, when we have done all that we can, we must let go and allow the universe to take over. This requires trust. It requires a trust that runs deeper than just expecting things to turn out the way we want them to. Sometimes they will, and sometimes they won’t. We develop equanimity and grace as we learn to trust that, with the guiding hand of the universe, life will unfold exactly the way it should. We are engaged in an ongoing relationship with a universe that responds to our thoughts and actions.