Just before the start of the school year is a good time of year to re-examine your child’s bed placement in order to support them in their upcoming educational year. Feng Shui bed placement practices can help your child rest better so that they experience optimal health, and better mental clarity, which will help their journey through their school day more favorable.
In Feng Shui, the bedroom is one of the top three areas of importance. Sleeping is rest for your physical body, as well as rejuvenation for your soul. When the body sleeps so does the ego. If our body is not in proper alignment with the energy available to us, we will not feel rested. Sleeping restfully is as important as eating well and breathing.
Good quality of sleep equals healing. My client, a single parent, was woken up every evening because of the kids’ inability to sleep. The children, and my client, always felt tired during the day, and looked for sugary snacks and beverages to keep their energy from crashing. During the consultation, I suggested a new bed placement for the kids based on their best directions.
Best directions are also called the 8 Mansions Formula of Classical Feng Shui. Based on the individual’s year of birth, it divides people into East and West directions. It goes on further to provide what directions are best for success, health, relationships, and personal growth. There are times when the bedroom configuration makes it difficult to follow this formula, but in this client’s case, the bedroom allowed room for these changes. Besides the bed change, I suggested other minor enhancements in the children’s bedrooms. The client’s bedroom required only minor changes.
My client called me a few days later to let me know that the kids not only loved their new bed placement, but also slept the whole night without waking up, the first time in several years.
During a follow up a few weeks later, my happy client shared that the whole household was getting a good sleep every night. This led to a change in their health for the better. My client lost 25 pounds, and was overjoyed. Everyone became more alert and enthusiastic, they had healthier appetites. The kids’ self esteem and confidence was up to a healthy level. The proper sleep the children were getting allowed their body to heal; consequently, they were also able to be off certain medications.
The practice of good sleeping is something that cannot be taken lightly and is often underestimated in our society. Some basic and helpful guidelines can be found on my previous blog, Bed Placement Part 1.
One of my favorite tips I share with clients is to have a mirror under your bed facing up. This is an adaptation of an ancient Taoist Feng Shui practice. A medium size mirror is used, and can be found at any hardware or craft store. Place stones or crystals on it; one, three, four, six, or eight pieces.

Indonesian River Stone
I started with regular river stones, and went on to experiment with crystals clusters, Arkansas quartz crystals. I also use stones that correspond to each chakra. Each variation depends on the client or circumstances. Follow your body length for mirror and stone placement. If you only have one stone, try placing it at the center of your body.
Stones have a grounding effect on our bodies. They provide beneficial energies – Yin energies that are at work while you rest, heal, and rejuvenate. I have used this practice for many years, and noticed how it worked wonders for my children over time. The benefits did not just include health matters, but helped to ground them. It helped out even during the stressful teenage growing years.
Modern science has a name for this practice, it is called Paramagnetic Energy. I was first introduced to this concept by Lee Patterson, President of the Northern Illinois Chapter of the ASD, American Society of Dowsers. He explained the work of the scientist Phillip Callahan. The scientist, through his many travels and studying soil samples all over the world, discovered how much soil affected plants, people and their environment. The healthier the soil, or earth, the healthier the environment, plants, animals and people.
Earth and rocks have a negative energy, (-) also called Yin energy. Yin energy is an essential part of bedroom Feng Shui. City and urban dwellings are most lacking of this energy because most bedrooms are located on the upper floors of a home with very little yard space. I encourage you to find this form of energy and bring it to enhance your personal space.
I hope this article inspires you to look at bedrooms in a whole different way. Review your best directions, see where and how your bed is placed and start putting any of the suggestions in place. Small steps lead to big improvements. For further information on Bed Placement, see the blog on Bed Placement part 3.
For details on the 8 Mansions formula, see my blog on Bed Placement part 2. Look for your birthday year and Kua number according to your gender. The second chart will show your best directions based on your Kua number.