The Runes are an alphabet that was used by Germanic tribes from 150 – 700 AD. They were and still are used for divination purposes as well as creating talismans. You can craft or purchase your own set of runes to be used to divine the past, present, and future energies of your life. Beyond fortune telling, each rune directly connects to a different archetypal energy. These can be accessed by drawing or carving the specific rune(s) onto an item that can be carried or worn as a talisman.

Tiger Eye Runes
Ancient Powers & Divination
The Runes are one of the original Fire Languages. A Fire Language is shown to humans by spiritual beings through natural mediums like flames, water, or spider webs. These languages carry great power when spoken aloud. The Runes are said to be discovered by a King who gazed upon the fluid lines in a stream cast by the Sun.
There are many versions of the Runes, but the Futhark and the Uthark are the most popular today. In the Elder Futhark, the runic alphabet begins with the “F” rune Fehu. In the 1930s, Sigurd Agrell repositioned the “F” placing it at the end of the Runic Alphabet. As Fehu represents wealth, it was Agrell’s theory that wealth was the final goal to be obtained in life, therefore it belonged at the end of the series. The Futhark has 24 runes in the alphabet, where the blank or “destiny” rune was added to the Uthark making it a set of 25.