Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of balancing energy in our environment. The environment we live in has a tremendous effect on our lives, more than we realize. The ancient mystics knew that we lived in a vibrational universe and that we are energy. Some of the modern masters, such as Dr Bruce Lipton, author of “The Biology of Belief,” proved that the environment changes our genes and calls Feng Shui “Constructive Interference.”

Red Bagua
There is a map to the living environment called the Bagua. It is an eight sided polygon, showing the yin and yang symbol in the center. “Ba” means 8 and “gua” means area. Every side or gua corresponds to an area in our home, as well as our body.
The eight different areas are outlined below with their corresponding body parts.
– The Wealth and Abundance area corresponds to our hips, legs and hands.These parts of our body give us the ability to move and to be productive.
– The Fame and Reputation area corresponds to your eyes. What we see, how we see it and when we see something has a direct impact on the opinion of ourselves and others.
– The Relationship area corresponds to the stomach and female organs. Sometimes we feel emotion through our stomach. How many times is it upset because of a struggle or nerves?
– The Children and Creativity area corresponds to the mouth and bones. It is our ability to express ourselves through our mouth and through movement, just as children often do.
– The Helpful People and Travel area corresponds to the head. It is through the head that we receive daily inspiration to form ideas and connect to others in the physical as well as the ethereal plane.
– The Career and Opportunities area corresponds to the ears and the kidneys. How we filter and awaken to opportunities is by hearing them; through conversations with others, radio, TV, an event or speaker.
– The Knowledge and Wisdom area, corresponds to the hands and fingers. It is thru our hands that we explore. This a good area to enhance for anyone that needs their hands to make a living, such as writers, crafters, surgeons and dentists.
– The Family and Ancestors area corresponds to the feet, legs and lung. The lung being an organ that helps us take in the air we breath in order to live. Without our family and loved ones, our chances of survival would be very slim. It is through that connection that we feel grounded.
Several years ago, when I was in my decorating phase, I kept asking my husband to redo his office. His typical and usual responses were,”Don’t touch my stuff’, “I have very important papers, close the door to my office when company comes”, and “It is MY office, please leave it alone.”
So I did what he ask me to do, even though it was a very cluttered space. There was stuff all over the place, and it was hard to get access to clean. Sometime later, he started having trouble with in his mouth. He chipped a molar tooth after biting on a corn nut, mind you, after coming back from a Bears game with his friends. His other molar broke in half within a couple of weeks and he started having terrible tooth pain for a while that resulted in headaches, loss of energy, feeling woozy, and out of balance. He thought, this is a serious health problem. I then did my pitch again, this time showing him that his office corresponded with the mouth area of the house, the children and creativity area. And it was then that he agreed to have his office re-done.
Old furniture was gone and an appropriate desk brought in. The right accent colors, elements, and shapes where added to enhance this space, to his liking. Now he loves his new office. it is still “cavelike” but more importantly, his tooth problems, as well as the side effects, are gone! And yes, it would have been much cheaper to have the space done before hand.