People often ask us at Crystal Life exactly what we do – how do we define our practice? The best term right now is “Energy Worker.” You can read that term at many levels of expertise and interest. Basically, it means someone who works with energy to affect both spirit and matter, and the way these forces intersect with each other. Energy work is a technology. It can work when one follows specific rules governing its discipline. The function of the energy worker right now is observing what the rules might be, and then learning how to apply the rules to specific situations. Each time the situation changes, so do the rules – slightly or a lot – so an energy worker needs to be very adaptable. However, the ability to focus on discerning the rules then applying energy to change the situation to a proper alignment requires both will power and strength of character.

Atala Toy
Our staff is headed by owner Atala Dorothy Toy who explains of herself:
I’ve been interested in how consciousness works since I was a child – that was over half a century ago – and in that time have explored many different options. I’ve watched and participated as our human society has moved from a belief that only the physical reality can be trusted to an understanding that something underlies and affects this physical reality, and we should learn about it. Everyone on earth is participating in this effort in some way and in some discipline. The hard sciences are interested in breaking down matter into its component parts to see ways to fix or rearrange a situation. Religion is interested in how spirit affects matter according to the rules of their founding consciousness. Politics is interested in learning how to move groups of people into social forces for change. Sports fields want to know how to fine-tune the human body to achieve a physical goal.
Energy work is another discipline just like these. It has many branches and many levels of practitioners, and many levels of integrity. When you are looking to interact with an energy worker, you should pay attention to the energy worker’s credentials, which is their own use of energy and how they go about transforming energy to affect matter.
A respectable energy worker will not claim to be able to solve the world’s problems but will look to solve the energy of a specific situation. If the situation is not one which they are capable of solving, at this point in their practice, they will readily acknowledge this and assist in locating an appropriate practitioner who can assist.
When I look back over my own progression, and that of earth, during these turbulent years of change, I am reminded of the Biblical statement: “When I was a child I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became an adult I put away childish things.” I Cor. xiii. 11
In my own life, I have seen myself progress from a belief that my religion had all the answers if I only followed its rules, to a rejection of that religion when I saw it did not have the solution to many issues, to a re-examination of religion as a way to understand spirit, to a focus on what was spirit, to a belief that spirit controlled matter and changing spirit could change matter, to an awareness that when spirit has been warped and has descended improperly into matter it is often hard to change it at the spirit level but can be changed at the physical level then work back up to its spirit aspect, to an exploration of how spirit and matter interact, to an exploration of how to value, honor and work with each point along the spectrum in the descent and perfection of spirit as it seeks to manifest itself in physical form.
It helps to have lived a long time, to do this! Of course, one could say I am a slow learner – others may master this much faster, especially with all the knowledge we are acquiring throughout the world about how consciousness technically works.
Here at Crystal Life, we have a staff of individuals each genuinely interested in comprehending how consciousness and matter intersect in each separate, individual manner – and in learning how these separate incidents can add up to general principles. So we deeply appreciate the opportunity to assist individual guests who visit our store and website, as they sort out the issues of their own lives. We also are committed to sharing this information with all who are interested, in a fair, open and honest manner. That is why we are working through the process of honoring ourselves, our guests and clients, and the need to earn a fair and honest living while in service.
So, for us, offering many, many free informative services is a part of our inherent belief structure. And charging a fair and reasonable price for our helpful products is also our basic belief structure.
We invite you to explore our varied services to educate yourself, so you can evolve your own understanding of how energy works in your life where you are now and how to utilize healthy energy to get to where you want to go, right now. This includes our classes and workshops, our website with explanations, and our free explanations of how to use various natural products especially crystals and stones to help you establish you own healthy environment.
Stones are about as physical a substance as you can get. They are the foundation of our earth, upon which all other life forms have grown – from plants to animals to humans. Stones hold various aspects of energy in place for us humans to play and work with. They are a very benign way for you to practice bringing spirit down into gross physical matter, for your own and for earth transformation.