Rose Quartz Palmstone
Rose Quartz can assist in restoring trust and harmony, gently drawing off negative energy and replacing it with loving vibrations, it is considered by many as the finest of healers. Rose Quartz believes in self-love as a necessary tool to attract love, this stone helps to teach how to love yourself, and accept all aspects of self. It is said that if Rose Quartz is placed by the bed or relationship corner of a home it will attract love and relationships. Magnifying creativity and imagination, this is a good stone to assist with writing, art, and music.
Rose Quartz & Disruptive Neighbors
Place a large piece of rose quartz along the wall – this will settle disputes and create a more peaceful energy for everyone involved.
Rose Quartz & Manifesting Love
Most people know that rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love. A potent stone, gentle rose quartz is associated with Venus, the goddess of love and desire. Rose quartz attracts the kind of love that is associated with Venus – tender, passionate, erotic and exciting.
Rose Quartz & Sugilite – Helps you to manifest loving, supportive, companionship.
Rose Quartz & Danburite – Together these stones can help you manifest loving, supportive companionship.
Rose Quartz & Ruby or Garnet – These stones together help to manifest a more lusty and erotic love.
Rose Quartz and Astrology
For those whose sun is in Leo, rose quartz is a good stone to help with your powerful emotions. Place it over your heart when you are wounded to draw out pain and suffering. For Aquarians, who often feel isolated, wearing or carrying a piece of rose quartz can help you feel less alienated from the world.
If you have Libra as your rising sign, rose quartz is a positive crystal for you! This stone helps Libras ascendants who struggle with self-love, self-acceptance and finding peace. If your moon is in Libra, rose quartz will help your relationships. Rose quartz will open and purify your heart chakra and make you receptive to partnerships of all kinds – love, friendships, and partnerships.
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