Studies at the Aerospace Institute at the University Stuttgart show that the same water, when placed on a sampling tray by different people, will produce different images, or internal geometrics, embodying the energy to which it has been exposed. The photo below shows the results. It shows water that has come from the same source. Vertically, it shows what happens when it was placed on a slide by different people. Horizontally, it shows what happens when separate drops were placed on a slide by the same person but different natural flowers are dropped into the water. In all cases, the internal geometric structure of the water differed.

Photo from the Aerospace Institute at the University Stuttgart
This result reminds me of the knowledge discovered in quantum physics that the thoughts of the scientist affect the results of the experiment! It also reminds me of Dr. Emoto’s ground breaking work showing that water is affected by the consciousness projected into it.
This aliveness of all nature, and our affects on each other, is a truth that nature is demonstrating to us in so many ways. Our thoughts and actions affect our planet and each other for good and bad. Destructive thoughts break down the beautiful geometries – the light grid – of the world around us. Positive thoughts help build up and sustain light structures that make us and our entire area feel good.
It is wonderful when science and spirit work arm in arm to understand and work with the universal energies. For yourself, on a very basic level, you can learn to be in touch with these forces by sitting quietly and identifying. Whether you start with a pet, the birds in your yard, the plants and trees, the rocks and water, the sky….whatever naturally moves you most in nature becomes a starting point.
This affecting the energy of others by your own thoughts and energy also carries into so-called inanimate objects such as computers, cell phones and cameras. These objects have been formed of cells of the universal life force itself, shaped into forms by humans – just as we can shape our yard, our thoughts, our politics – and they are affected by us.
In the mid-1990s, I almost died from environmental poisoning – too much artificial electromagnetic information from living and working in New York City. It was a long road to recovery, and to achieve this I had to alter my internal autonomic memory structure itself. That structure, inside all humans, was used to having all of various electromagnetic frequencies to ourselves. Now these machines were entering in and using those frequencies for themselves. At first I located protective devices to protect and sustain my personal energy, which was severely depleted. Gradually, I learned to share the frequency with the machines – to co-exist in a cooperative manner. Now I no longer need the protective devices. This is a process many of us need to make in these times.
This same awareness, so brutally brought to my attention via my health, helped me understand the consciousness of cameras, and how they are affected by our energy and the energy of what they are focused on. When the camera operator wishes to record subtle energy instead of simply a physical object, the camera cooperates, often capturing energies the photographer could not see without looking through the view finder. And isn’t that the traditional role of the artist – to capture the essence of a subject, and present it in solid form to the viewer. Here we are using a camera to assist, as in the past we used paint and brush or pen on paper.
We are entering an exciting time as we move into our new world of consciousness – this world so different that no past visionary society could even image its character. Wherever you are, start exploring how your thoughts and actions affect your surroundings. And share with us what positive results occur!
A web search will turn up many articles on the on-going study of water by the Aerospace Institute, including this one at the Homeopathy Resource. Visit the Arts Gallery at our Crystal Life website to see photographs I’ve taken of real nature spirits who are capable and willing to work with us!
Thanks for reminding me of the power of animism. I profess to be an animist but sometimes it is hard to actualize in my daily awareness. When I have a computer problem that I cannot solve, my husband walks in the room and gives my computer a stern look. At least half the time, it begins functioning normally. Sometimes he will have to sit in front of it and shake a screw driver at it and then it will change its response to the command. How can this be other than a funny coincidence? He has spent many long years building, disecting, and loving every little part and all the materials down to their molecular weight. He is not just being theatrical with his gesture. He is penetrating every molecule and following every miniscule current. He is actually fixing the problem with his profound empathy which is entwined with sensory and empirical knowledge. Some wise person said, “penetrate with understanding”. People who grow the most beautiful roses are really part rose.