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Along the surface of the water, the baby dragonfly grows strong before taking to the skies for the first time, its delicate wings humming quietly. As an insect totem, this process is thought to symbolize the change in mentality some undergo as they get older. As a child, those who connect with this totem may be deeply sensitive, but as they grow, they may become more intellectual adults. The dragonfly calls for these people to let their inner child back in and expand their horizons to make room for both emotions and logic.

This totem is also connected with the Light and Faerie realms. Those connected with dragonfly would do well to consider spending time outdoors and reflecting on recent changes or transformations. It may be time for you to give in to the magic of the world that is reaching out to meet you!

If you resonate with the Dragonfly or have it as your insect totem, see below for stones whose energy can help you connect on a deeper level.


Aquamarine | Large Tumbled

Aquamarine | Large Tumbled

Crystals for Dragonfly Totem

Aquamarine – Aquamarine has the ability to connect to other realms and mystical creatures. Use it to maintain contact with the Faerie realm.

Golden Labradorite – This variety of Labradorite is said to open the gateway to communicating with water creatures, including mermaids. Keep it close to connect to the Dragonfly’s birth realm.

Atlantisite – This is another stone that connects you with the mystic properties of water, including the lost city of Atlantis.

Seashells – Keeping at least one seashell on you that resonates strongly with your spirit only further aids in connecting you with the water and the inner child that the dragonfly insect totem represents.

Rainbow Fluorite – This type of fluorite is useful for opening and communicating with different realms.

Amazonite – Amazonite sharpens your intuition, allowing you to change the way you think. It also connects with faeries.

Fairy Stone – These are carefree stones that can help bring you good luck.


Crystals and Gemstones at Crystal Life

We hand-select all our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

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Learn more about Animal Spirits by visiting our library page here!

We credit most of our information on Animal Spirits to two incredibly helpful guide books: Animal Speak by Ted Andrews and Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals by Dr. Steven Farmer, both of which are available for purchase on our website.

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