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doeThe Doe (or Deer) animal totem is deeply rooted in myth and legend, symbolizing gentleness and innocence. As one of the most important and widespread mammals on earth, it calls for one to honor themselves and those around them with unconditional kindness. Those who connect with the doe may feel themselves drawn to adventure and diplomacy with an air of tenderness. 

As an animal totem, the doe possesses a special connection with family. Nurturing younger family members is a crucial task that may already be second nature to doe people. Those who resonate with it may want to reflect on if they are providing true emotional support for their family. Even so, these people should take care not to overstimulate the doe’s heightened senses by recognizing their limits and personal needs.

If you resonate with the Doe or have it as your animal totem, see below for stones whose energy can help you connect on a deeper level.



Crystals for Doe Totem

Morganite – Morganite is a high vibration stone that promotes powerful, unconditional love. Use it to attract and maintain love in your life as well as tap into your inner feminine energies. These will bring you closer to the doe animal totem.

Smoky Quartz: Druids one believed that this type of quartz possessed mysterious forest energies. It is a master healer that encourages inner strength and resolve.

MoonstoneMoonstone carries night energy and can be used as a protective talisman, making it effective for guarding one’s family. It is also a stone of peace that can help calm doe people in overwhelming or stressful times.

Green Fluorite: This variety of fluorite is great for discernment, which helps the doe to know how to protect herself and her young. It is also deeply connected with nature, allowing it to clear energies in its surrounding environment.


Crystals and Gemstones at Crystal Life

We hand-select all our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

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Learn more about Animal Spirits by visiting our library page here!

We credit most of our information on Animal Spirits to two incredibly helpful guide books: Animal Speak by Ted Andrews and Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals by Dr. Steven Farmer, both of which are available for purchase on our website.

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