What do Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, Ghosts, and Extra-Terrestrials have in common? They are all genuine energy forms with whom humans can communicate. This type of interaction is known as interdimensional communication. When we humans seek to positively interact with these beings – this is called interdimensional cooperation.
Part of Crystal Life Technology’s work is focused on the practical, down-to-earth aspects of communicating with non-human life forms. This includes communicating with pets, plants, rocks, faeries, angels – and those who have crossed over to the other side. Among the services Crystal Life Technology, Inc. provides is information on interdimensional communication and interdimensional cooperation, along with products and jewelry that help humans to expand our consciousness so that we can be aware of what is occurring in other dimensions.
Our human world is now starting to consciously and interdimensionally communicate with others of the vast numbers of worlds that co-exist inside the one infinite source of all. Some are close to us in form and consciousness – others are spectacularly different.
Life forms close to us in form include angels, fairies, animals and plants. Those quite distinct include a wealth of consciousness forms evolving, like us, inside an infinitely expanding universe.
Since we are in a world where interdimensional communication with non-humans has become a part of both our “fictional” realities, and of our scientific studies…we no longer have the luxury to deny diverse life forms co-exist and sometimes intersect with our human earth.
Different people have affinities with different life forms and so, today, you have people who state they can interdimensionally cooperate with a wide variety of life forms. How do we know what is real and unreal? This website is dedicated to exploring and explaining ways in which we humans can interdimensionally communicate in a healthy manner with the authentic life forms of other dimensions.
Waking Up
The most common experience people describe when becoming aware they can interdimensionally communicate with beings of other realms is that they feel like they just woke up. They had not even realized they’d been living in a dream until the awakening occurred.
The owner and staff at Crystal Life Technology, Inc. have personally lived this awakening. We are part of the growing collective consciousness that is aware of these other dimensions and looks forward to the opportunities that exist in interdimensional cooperation. “Opportunities” include the necessary personal growth required to clearly see the positive and negative side of any interaction.
There are a number of organizations that have spun out of the innovative work of Crystal Life. These include ISIC – the Institute for the Study of Interdimensional Cooperation; and Blue Papaya, a group for youth with extended perception.
Crystal Life Technology, Inc. provides information, classes and products based in a number of energy-sensitive disciplines. All are intended to support an awakening humanity. As we awaken, we become more sensitive – to our environment, our own inner existence, and the existence of other beings who co-exist with us inside the timeless, spaceless consciousness of the all. We are learning, naturally and organically, the value of interdimensional cooperation.
The premise of the many Products with Purpose® provided by Crystal Life is that an aware human being needs to also be aware of what they surround themselves with. This includes what you have in your home, and what you wear. The ability to absorb healthy energy from the products your surround yourself with is a natural form of interdimensional communication – your body is autonomically communicating with what is in your environment. For instance: is your jewelry of a high consciousness? We call our interdimensional jewelry Resonance® – Jewelry with Purpose® because we want to work with the support of the mineral world and the support of the jewelry form, to maintain healthy frequencies.
Ours is a world increasingly populated with artificially truncated frequencies designed to carry information on closely competing wave lengths – computers, cell phones, x-rays, television, etc., All this technology operates, and sometimes usurps, communication wave lengths once occupied only by natural life forms. These artificial frequencies hamper our ability to engage in interdimensional communication. They can also lead to our ability to communicate interdimensionally. This is because some of us, whose bodies had been used to autonomically using the usurped frequencies, have had their bodies autonomically shift to other frequencies to continue their functioning – leading us to become aware of existences outside the standard areas of human interactions.
Being able to communicate with life forms of other worlds is to a large extent based on working from the spiritual heart. The heart is the body’s interdimensional communications expert and it has its own brain. As you learn to work from this central control point, you become wiser in the ways of the universe. The heart is very smart. To work with it, a person needs to move into a state of unconditional love and non-harm to any living being. This process is contagious, for the more you learn from the heart’s mind, the more willing you are to stay there, centered in love.
Our interdimensional cooperation site is interested in the new “spiritual sciences.” These so-called “soft sciences” are evolving and merging the solid findings of both spirit and science into a more complete understanding of existence.
This is the age of communication.It is wonderful to watch hard core scientists coming to understand that the base of all their work lies in spirit – in the unseen creative force of the universe. It is also wonderful to see hard core spiritual aspirants who once retired to ashrams, forests, monasteries and convents where they could focus only on spirit turn around and decide that spirit is incomplete until it finds its proper home in form.

Atala Dorothy Toy
Crystal Life Technology, Inc was founded by Atala Dorothy Toy. She has lived the spectrum of consciousness from the unawakened to the spiritually aware. Because of the course her own life took, she has committed herself to assisting others in their own awakening. This awakening is multi-faceted. It includes exploring the real life issues involved in interdimensional communication – and interdimensional cooperation – with other species. It also includes teaching people to explore how their own unique spiritual existence works; what alternative practices are developing to assist in the health and well-being of an awakening human; and what types of products are available for the benefit of an awakening being.
This work is itself multi-faceted. Each of the areas we have been developing, over the years, is becoming an entire interest area in itself, that also inter-relates with each other. Here are some of the avenues that intersect.
ISIC – the Institute for the Study of Interdimensional Cooperation. ISIC is a 501C3 non-profit organization co-founded by Atala Toy and Virginia Litza, and now led by a board of energy workers. It provides several services to the community. There are monthly gatherings in which professionals practicing in a holistic manner socialize and learn from each other. There are three times a year workshops in which practitioners share their knowledge with the general public. There is a website – ISICNews.com – where people can find news of these happening, and learn about some of the ISIC member practitioners. You can connect through their Facebook Page, ISIC.Geneva ISIC has a weekly blog on the Crystal Life website called ISIC – Interdimensional Communication.
Blue Papaya – a group for young people with extended perception. For a number of years, this group brought together young people to explore consciousness, via fun exploratory outings and games. The first round of youth have grown up now, and are pursuing adult interests . Blue Papaya is currently hibernating as it transforms itself according to the increasing awareness of our talented youth. You can connect through their Facebook Page, Blue Papaya.
Interdimensionalproducts.com describes the Products with Purpose that Crystal Life carries.
Interdimensionaljewelry.com describes the Resonance Jewelry with Purpose options Crystal Life carries.

We Are Not Alone
We Are Not Alone: A Guidebook for Interdimensional Cooperation was written by Atala Toy to explain how interdimensional society works, and how we can best work within such an extended range of consciousness.
Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides and Ghosts: How to Talk With and Photograph Beings of Other Realms by Atala Toy explains how interdimensional cooperation works, and how you can connect to the natural world that exists very close to our human world.
Nature Spirits in American Trees: From Central Park to the Redwood Forests by Atala Toy is a photo book of tree spirits with whom Atala has not only engaged in interdimensional communication, but has gotten the forms to pose for photograph!.
Atala Toy’s Photography Gallery is a rotating collection of my photographs of nature spirits in trees, rocks and plants, available as cards and wall-hangings. These photographs visibly record some of the many variations of interdimensional communication that can occur once you step across that invisible line. I call it the Alamo line – “Those who would fight to the death, cross over; those who would live better fly.” Once you cross that line – the one that acknowledges other life forms exist, and that you are able to communicate with them – you can never go back.
My photographs include life forms who live in trees and rocks, who manifest themselves in visible forms, and who are able to manipulate form to tell complex stories.
There is a weekly blog – Atala Toy – in which I discuss topics that fall within the field of interdimensional communication.
Occasionally, throughout the year, I offer workshops on interdimensional topics, including how to photograph nature spirits. Check the Events room at Crystal Life for more information.

Fairy, by Salvador Navarro
Folks who’ve explored our site, our events and groups, like to send us photographs they’ve taken. You can see these images on our weekly blog, From Our Friends.
We also hold an annual Nature Spirit Photo Contest. The winning images are displayed at the Crystal Life Technology store in Geneva, IL throughout “Spirit Month” – October. You can see the winning photos of past years at the Public Submissions Gallery
The Crystal Life store is located in historic downtown Geneva, IL. Customers can ask questions of our knowledgeable staff about interidmensional communication, and about gemstones, crystals, energy tools, household items and jewelry.